Dog cruelly beaten on Essex commuter train

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Images of a dog cruelly beaten and abused pulled off a closed circuit television video have been released by authorities occurring on a train in Essex, United Kingdom. According to, British Transport Police describe the incident as an “unbelievably shocking act of cruelty.”

The disturbing event occurred on the Braintree to Witham train last month. The staff was forced to cancel the service to clean up dog feces and urine from the seat and walls of the train. The video shows the man viciously abusing the dog by swinging the defenseless animal against the wall of the train by its leash and then holding the dog at the back of the seat by pushing his foot against the animal. The dog appears clearly frightened.

“This was an unbelievably shocking act of cruelty. No animal should ever be subjected to such punishment and I am determined to trace the man responsible,” stated Sergeant Paul Thompson, the investigating officer. “Clearly this animal was frightened for its life as he emptied his bowels on the seat and train carriage.”

Officers are asking anyone with information about the unidentified man wearing a hoodie to contact them.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(Photo of dog cruelly beaten by British Transport Police)


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  1. Goddamit, what the hell is wrong with people, get this son of a bitch as soon as possible. What is he Willy Wonka with that stupid hat, evil takes every shape and form clearly. The dog was so scared it soiled itself, Jesus wept just imagine the fear it must have felt. Fucking unbelievable. Makes me so angry (sorry for the language). Get him already! But what became of the dog? Did it survive?

    • Yes. Please we desperately need to know if the poor dog survived this terrible beating and where he is now. If he survived, he should be at an emergency vet. He must be in so much pain.
      I’m sickened by such unimaginable cruelty.
      I have so many questions here.

  2. Hang this mother fucker so sick and tired of hearing POS hurting animals!!!! Shoot or hang them all is what I say to do I wish wish wish this to be done !!!!!!

  3. In Delaware County, OK we have a terrible case of animal abuse and neglect. In July 2016, the animals were rescued and fostered back to relative health. In late October 2016, Judge Alicia Littlefield ordered the animals returned to the Whites. Despite public outrage and the Care2 petition, DA Kenny Wright refuses to appeal the order! This was done behind closed doors! We are heartsick.

  4. only evil does this. I wonder who will be next? It is essay to abuse the defenseless and voiceless. He or rather it should try the same thing with a hungry pack of lions, then we will see a biggest chicken on this planet soiling his pant out of fear. That evil it should be send to jail for many, many years, just to show the world that UK will not tolerate such a horrific, premeditated abuse and murder of a creature who has a soul and feelings and is defenseless and voiceless. We must be the voice for this poor dog

  5. He needs beaten to a pulp then thrown into a cage. Hose him down and beat him every day for a month. Then throw his coward scum butt in jail and throw away the key. He killed the old dog. There is NO excuse!! Not ever.

  6. Man I really hope that you have the same thing done to you in jail that you did to the poor innocent Dog that paid with his life being very unlucky with you picking him for you punching bag I just want you to get and feel how it was to be tortured by some evil that comes from people like you. Get ready for your ass beating and swung by your neck slammed against the wall and you shit on yourself.ENJOY THE SAME THING DONE TO YOU AS YOU DID TO THE INNOCENT DOG.


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