3-pound puppy abused and left to suffer

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The tragic story of a seven-month-old Chihuahua abused and left to suffer by his family has affected even the most stoic rescuer. When Rescue Dogs Rock NYC were asked to help Wednesday night, co-founder Jackie O’Sullivan was heartbroken. The 3-pound puppy, dubbed Liam is currently at an emergency veterinarian in Maryland fighting for his life.liam-2

“Little Liam had two of our awesome volunteers visit him last night, and they brought him a soft toy and blanket and let him know he has a whole village of people who love him to death and are praying so hard he can be strong and pull thru this horrible ordeal,” Jackie posted to Facebook followers. “They spoke softly to him and gave him soft kisses. He looked at them and even tried to move his broken little body. He is so weak. Aside from being in oxygen, he has a feeding tube in his nose to get the glucose he desperately needs to survive. He cannot tolerate fluids right now as his little chest filled with fluid and had to be tapped.

We so don’t want this horrible life to be the end of the road for this precious baby. He is only 7 months old & down to 3 pounds.”

Liam had allegedly been dropped by the children in his home thus injuring two of the pup’s legs. The family took him to an emergency veterinarian, but stated they couldn’t afford treatment and left with pain medication, but not before promising the personnel at the hospital they would be following up with their regular vet. Two weeks later, Liam is back at the emergency veterinarian – the family then admits the severely injured puppy had only been administered one dose of pain medication in the last two weeks and was never taken to their family vet.

“So basically, he somehow suffered severe trauma in the home, went thru two weeks of suffering in the home and returned to the ER vet last night emaciated with pressure sores, low blood sugar, dehydrated and near death,” described Jackie.  “To say we are UPSET & HORRIFIED is an understatement! They abused him, let him suffer and then brought him in to be killed! WTH is that! It’s an absolute horror for this baby.”

An animal cruelty case is currently under investigation.

Say a little prayer for Liam. Hang in there little guy. Had Rescue Dogs Rock NYC not stepped in to help, this puppy would not have had a chance. To help with Liam’s extraordinary medical expenses, please click here.  PayPal: [email protected].

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(Photo of 3-pound puppy courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC)



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  1. Looking at that picture makes me hurt. How the hell can ANYONE look at little Liam and feel NOTHING, especially someone who’s responsible for this and is supposed to be his family? How can the very people who raised those foul, vile disgusting brats do NOTHING to help him when he’s obviously suffering? What kind of people take pain meds and give him ONE PILL under these circumstances and don’t bother to take him to their own vet? I want these people beaten to a pulp with the EXACT SAME INJURIES that little LIam is suffering and left that way for two weeks with only, given one pain pill, and then and only then can someone intervene. That goes for their monsters, too, who are obviously chips off the old block. If I had my way the entire family would be locked up or totally removed from the gene pool.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. I sit here reading this with tears coming down my face. Just wishing it was me in pain instead of Liam.??

  2. Well at least they know who did this too the pup, so lets get them arrested and make them pay for what they have done to this poor little pup! This family best never be allowed to have another pet, they are all abusers!!!!!!


  4. Poor little Liam, it breaks my heart to see him this way. Why are people so cruel to animals. Obviously they are not too well educated. Hopefully they will never be allowed to own another animal ever again.

  5. How is Liam doing? I can’t imagine the amount of suffering and pain this little baby is going through. Please keep us updated on his health. Hope he recovers. I am praying and also donated. Be strong little angel

  6. I hope those piece of Sh!t owners are reading this. Hope their kids are too. You will pay immensely for what you have done. There is a special HELL for people like you. IDGAF if your kids did this they too will pay immensely for you have taught your children the disregard for a living being. There is no changing your children’s upbringing. You suck as a parent and as a human being. FU#% You and yours. Burn in HELL.

  7. This makes me sick. There was no reason for any of this to happen. God I hate these people. How do we make sure these people PAY? Any update on this. I read this article cried and kissed my sweet little chihuaha so loved and cherished all animals deserve this.

  8. They should be black listed to ever getting another dog. I pray for poor Liam and the other dogs like him who have to suffer Shame on them maybe cps should get involved. If they cant take care of dog then how can they take care of children


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