‘Hot Mess’ completely neglected dog lived on the street like feral cat until her life changed

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In Chandler, Arizona, a tiny poodle mix completely engulfed in a tight wad of tangled fur, feces and urine, arrived at the Valley Dogs Rescue after a board member of the rescue organization had been notified about an extremely neglected and fearful dog. The volunteer had no idea what to expect when she went to pick up the terrified pooch. To say the dog was neglected, had been an understatement; she was barely recognizable as a dog.

The dog had been roaming around the neighborhood when someone called the rescue organization, begging for help saving the dog nicknamed “Hot Mess.” The dog had been living on the streets, much like a feral cat and had been getting fed by well-meaning neighbors.

The dog was rushed to the organization’s veterinarian where she was sedated in order to clean her. It took hours to trim away the dreadlocks, the matting pulling on her skin and the filth entangled in the foul smelling mess. By the end of her grooming, more than three pounds of hair had been shaved away.

We would now like to introduce one of the newest Valley Dogs Rescue dogs, Andee! It took Dr. Carr and his wonderful staff several hours to remove 5 lbs of filthy, matted fur off of this little girl! The before and afters are hard to believe that it’s even the same dog.


Andee will be in the care of Valley Dogs Rescue so she can continue to receive ongoing care for her skin, teeth, and diet to get her healthy and adoptable. She may need an even longer time with learning to trust humans again, but the rescue is confident that with lots of patience and love, she will get there.

We are looking forward to the day when Andee will be ready to be adopted and live happily ever after.

To help Andee and other dogs, please click here.

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Mommy to the rescue.
No boys!

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