Feisty chihuahua escapes coyote attack after nearly carried away

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In Cibolo, Texas, a feisty chihuahua named Mimi was able to thwart a coyote attack and make it back to her own backyard to tell the tale of her brave survival. The dog’s owner, Zoey Ward had been sitting outside with her two dogs – Mimi the chihuahua and Joey, a beagle when she heard the commotion.

According to the Herald Leader, Zoey heard loud yelps and when she went to find the dogs, Mimi was gone. Her next door neighbor had just spotted the coyote behind their homes and alerted Zooey that the predator was nearby. Mimi was nowhere to be seen, however Zoey could hear her dog yelping in the distance.

Miraculously, within just a few minutes, Mimi came running back towards her home, and neighbors helped the pint sized pup get back into her backyard. Although Mimi suffered several puncture wounds, she had no serious internal injuries, but Zoey wants to warn people to be alert for coyotes.

She is doing so good. We just want others to be aware how coyotes are. I live near Madison high school and I’m always seeing posts on next door on how close they are. When Mimi is all healed up she will be showing off her new coyote vest.

Zoey Ward Facebook

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  1. Thank goodness this precious little treasure is ok.

    One should NEVER let a small dog loose (even in your own yard) because a predator can snatch a small dog in a heartbeat. Not just coyotes, but birds of prey, snakes, cougars…….

    Where we live, eagles and hawks are a “day time danger” & owls are an “evening danger”……. Plus other wildlife……. We have a roofed kennel for our precious little treasures to run around in and we supervise them at all times…….


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