Florida man wrestles with alligator to save his 3-month-old puppy

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In Estero, Florida, a 74-year-old man chased an alligator underwater to rescue his three-month-old puppy from the jaws of the disagreeable reptile.

According to WinkNews, Richard Wilbanks ran into the pond at his backyard and grabbed the alligator from underwater and brought it to the surface where he pried its jaws open to free his crying Cavalier King Charles spaniel.

The two had just been walking by the pond when the alligator sprang onto the shore and grabbed the puppy in what seemed like a split second. Wilbanks stated his adrenaline kicked in and he immediately ran into the water to save his puppy.

It was a successful rescue – Wilbanks suffered bite wounds on his hands and was administered a tetanus shot. As for puppy Gunner, he had a wound in his abdomen, but after a visit to the veterinarian’s office and some medication, he is expected to be fine and make a full recovery.

The entire rescue attempt was caught on video because of a partnership with the Florida Wildlife Federation and the fStop Foundation; all working programs helping wildlife and humans to live together showing mutual respect. The alligator will not be removed, however Wilbanks and Gunner will be keeping at least 10 feet from the edge of the pond and the puppy will now be leashed.

Happy endings are always nice. Man is fine, puppy is fine and alligator gets to live and stay in the pond.

Check out the video:

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