Stray Rescue of St. Louis: Helping the neediest feral puppies from bitter cold

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Within the last few days, the Stray Rescue of St. Louis has rescued 68 animals from the subzero temperatures, ice, wind, and snow.

And on Tuesday morning, another call came into the non profit organization asking for help with two scared and feral puppies shivering and very hungry from beneath a nearby porch. Rescuers hurried to the location and found two 6-month-old puppies. The only protection the puppies had from the freezing temperatures had been a cardboard box and a light layer of straw.

They were humanely trapped and brought back to the rescue where they have already been examined and treated for mange, bathed and fed.

…they have not left that warm bed since we gave it to them. Lexus and Nexus, welcome to the good life. Welcome to warmth, safety and nourishment. The trust will take time, but we’ll give you all the time you need. We can’t wait to see you play. In the meantime, let’s get you healthy.

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Of course, it has only been a few hours since Lexus and Nexus arrived at the rescue, but give the staff and volunteers a little time to get to know these little guy, and we promise updates will be coming soon.

To donate to Stray Rescue of St. Louis, please click here.

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