School personnel at Texas school refused to help ailing stray dog

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In a desperate plea for help for a stray dog left languishing in pain and loneliness, a kind hearted rescue volunteer reached out from Texas to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC for help. The non profit rescue organization focuses their efforts on the more difficult, the most urgent and the critically injured and expensive dogs to rescue. Tragically, most shelters lack funding and the long term commitment needed to rescue these innocent victims of accidents, abuse and abandonment.

Kira had been left outside of a school for weeks, but by Saturday her condition had deteriorated. She was barely able to move and barely had the energy to lift her head. It had been one of the neighbors who told Stacey Silverstein, the rescue’s cofounder, the shocking and heartbreaking news:

She [kira] has been outside a school for days and they have prohibited feeding her. last night it rained all morning and she was under water for hours. It seems like she can’t look out of one eye, and she is very weak.

Facebook RDR NYC

Kira needed emergency life saving treatment. She was dehydrated, weak and possibly suffering from a severe respiratory infection. Fortunately, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped up. Kira has been rushed to an emergency veterinary hospital.

Check out Kira’s brief video and the words from the kind woman who wanted Kira rescued. Notice Kira even managed to wag her tail – most likely in relief, as rescuers approached.

Kira’s story of rescue is just beginning, and she is receiving the best of care.

Updates to follow.

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Oh boy!

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  1. Wtf is wrong with these school administrators??? Why couldn’t they have helped this suffering dog??? Would it have been too difficult for them to make a phone call to get her help? And I suppose they all think of themselves as “good Christians”??? NOT in any sense of the word whatsoever!!! I hope they all burn forever in the hottest part of Hell for their cruelty!!!


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