Loyal pup tried to reach out for help for her dying friend

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In Downey, California, a tiny black and white terrier waited by the side of her stricken friend crying out for help. She would timidly approach pedestrians, but no one would stop. The loyal pup waited by his side; he had been hit by a car.

Sadly, for her pal, help came too late, but a Good Samaritan reached out to Suzette Hall, founder of  Logan’s Legacy 29 who answered the plea for assistance.

I couldn’t get there in time. Animal Control had already got her and her lifeless friend. Our hearts were broken. After waiting by her friend’s side and so sad already, she ended up alone in a scare shelter.

No body had been looking for her

Suzette Hall

Check out the video of this loyal little dog trying to find help for her dying friend:


She had already lost her best friend, and now no family ever arrived to console her loneliness and emotional pain. And when Suzette arrived at the shelter and saw her pining away in her cage, she knew she had to rescue her.

Unfortunately, the young dog had already developed an upper respiratory infection, but rescuers were able to get together and move her out of the shelter to the Camino Pet Hospital.

The shelter said she needed to be in isolation

As i drove her to my vet, I sang Christmas carols to her. I told her how brave she was

I told her I know how it feels to lose someone you love

We named her Silhouette

It made us think of her friend like a shadow

Sweet Silhouette we both have angels watching over us

I try so hard not to ask for donations on every dog I rescue but the truth is donations are needed on every dog i rescue

Silhouette needs our help with donations

If you find it your heart to help her , it would mean everything me

Suzette Hall

We will be checking on Silhouette for updates.

To help:

To donate:

Under Logan’s Legacy29

Or Venmo, PayPal or Zelle: ALL donations are transferred directly to my vet



PayPal or Zelle:

[email protected]

Rescued in loving memory of my angel


Forever a eagle🦅

Joshua 1:9

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

This adorable pooch forgot he was a senior and did some wild zoomies.
Check out this octopus 😉

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  1. Unbelievable……. I would have stopped simply because I saw a precious little treasure lying in the street and thought I should stop and help them before anything else happened. I am so sorry that so many hoomans failed to help both of these precious little treasures.
    Whoever hit the precious little treasure and just kept going has a reserved place in Hell to burn forever for their cruelty (would they have stopped had they hit a person??? I wonder…….)
    I hope Silhouette recovers from her devastating loss and is rehomed into a loving furever family.
    It would be amazing if the rescue is able to recover some of her lost loved one’s ashes and put them into a charm to hang on her collar so that the 2 best friends can be together forever……


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