East Texas dog who donated blood to another dog but scheduled to be euth’ed has been rescued

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In Tyler, Texas, a very friendly Rhodesian Ridgeback, who has been at the Smith County Animal Shelter since December, was on the list to be euthanized. But wait – the two-and a half-year-old pup named Stanford is a hero after he donated blood to the animal emergency clinic to save the life of another dog.

In exchange for being a hero dog, the shelter made sure that Stanford was neutered and fully vaccinated, and would continue receiving his vaccinations for free every year until his eighth birthday.

But here’s the problem; there’s no room at the shelter, and the only way to make room for more dogs coming in almost daily, is to euthanize the dogs who have been at the shelter the longest. Unfortunately, Stanford hasn’t had much luck in the last four months; no one has wanted to adopt the amiable pup.

Stanford’s past had not been a pleasant one, and he just hasn’t met the love of his life human yet. His luck was quickly running out as was his life.

It didn’t take long for Stanford’s heartbreaking plight to go viral, and amidst the outpouring of calls, emails and messages, a rescue in Titus County, LetLoveLive stepped forward to help.

Stanford and three other dogs are now enjoying the beginning of their new lives. Check out the video:


More hero dogs are just waiting patiently for new homes at the Smith County Animal Shelter. Click here for more information.

To donate to LetLoveLive, please click here.

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New friends 😉
Sleepy kitty – purr, purr, purr

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