Woman has tearful goodbye with her sick elderly dog and ‘had to let her fly’

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What has to be one of the hardest but kindest deeds we face when our four-legged companions can no longer have any quality of life, a young woman from Peru broke our hearts after posting her final moments with her 15-year-old dog, Kiara.

Anasofia Gonzales gathered some brief clips of the love-filled life she and Kiara had spent together and posted several of the videos on the the social network TikTok.

Check this one out:


And here are the final moments of the two together.

“Kiara said goodbye to me, fly high daughter.”

“This was the precise moment in which I knew that she did not want to leave but her little body could not take it anymore, she loved me so much, and I loved her. And that’s why I had to let her fly even though it would break my soul from her.”


Sadly, most of us have had to witness the death of a pet. And how do we know it’s time? Most veterinarians agree when age or illness changes a pet’s ability to function in a normal capacity, it comes down to the “quality of life.” Then of course, comes the question – whose quality of life – yours or your pet’s?

When no amount of medicine, money, hopes, prayers or wishes are able to keep our pets alive with a “quality of life,” it’s time. Signs of illness includes visible changes as in the loss of appetite or thirst or behavior. Consult with your veterinarian so a health assessment can be made. Sometimes a pet has difficulty breathing, is unable to get up to eat, drink or attend to his bathroom duties. Sometimes he just seems distant.

Ask your veterinarian, who has likely known your pet throughout his life. What are the options?

And never feel reluctant to ask about the process of a humane and gentle euthanasia. Most vets will recommend that owners stay with their pets to comfort them as well as having the chance to say that final goodbye. And although it is a very difficult decision, someone once said,

It’s better to do it one day too early than one day too late.

Source unknown

Rest in peace Kiara. You were loved.

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