Surgeons discover dozens of ponytail elastics in Shih Tzu’s stomach

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A three-year-old Shih Tzu had to be rushed for emergency surgery after having been surrendered by his owners to the New York City Animal Care Center for vomiting and not eating or drinking for days.

On Wednesday evening, Animal Haven, stepped up to help Noodles and rushed him to emergency surgery after a ponytail elastic was found in his poop. Radiographs confirmed that Noodles’ entire stomach and part of his small intestines were full of the hair ties, and only surgery would afford him a chance to survive.

When surgeons began operating, they pulled out a tangled mess of rubber hair bands, more than we even could have imagined after seeing his x-rays. Poor Noodles must have been really suffering.

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Surgeons were able to remove all of the ponytail elastics the dog had swallowed, however Noodles is not out of danger yet. He still hasn’t been eating on his own, and the nasogastric tube remains in his nose. The hospital team continues to regulate his albumin and blood sugar levels, and poor Noodles has a difficult fight to overcome before he can be discharged from the emergency veterinarian hospital.

To contribute to help cover the cost of Noodles’ care, please consider making a gift via Venmo (@animalhaven) or to the Recovery Road Fund at

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