Large bear pierced with arrow lifted his paw towards humans as if begging for help

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In a residential neighborhood near Arcadia, California, a huge bear was spotted lying in a homeowner’s yard on Sunday afternoon with an arrow sticking out of him. One of the neighbor’s stated it was difficult to watch and hear the bear softly crying in pain.

According to CbsNews, Ernie Camacho described the situation:

When we saw the bear initially laying on the front lawn, it was probably 25-30 feet from us and he was helpless. He laid on his side, he perched his head up to look at us and, almost as though asking for help, he lifted his paw up, which was the most heart-wrenching thing. The arrow was probably, well I couldn’t tell how large the arrow was but it (had) penetrated.

EC to CBS News

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife do not know how the bear became injured, but according to them he was likely shot at a local bow hunting area that’s allowed in California through the Shared Habitat Alliance for Recreational Enhancement program. Yes, it’s legal to shoot bears with bow and arrows during the 2022 Archery Season:

2022 Archery Season

Archery bear season in all bear zones opens August 20, 2022, and runs through September 11, 2022.


After awhile, the bear got up with difficulty and slowly wandered away. It was clear he was in pain.

A spokesperson for the Department of Fish and Wildlife stated they would respond to the bear if he became a threat to people or pets.

Shocking to say the least! What do you think?

Check out the video:

Video via CBS News

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Snack time tussle?
Stuffie calms this boy down. 😉

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  2. At the very least, they could have shot a tranquilizer dart, removed the arrow, dressed the wound, injected him with antibiotics and painkiller and released him somewhere safe. At the very least.
    Indifference equals complicity with what’s bad.

  3. Can’t some local organization help this poor bear? Tranquilize it, get the arrow out and treat it. Don’t just leave it to die. It was seeking help

  4. This is unconscionably inhumane and beyond cruel on all levels! It would be nice if BEAR stumbled upon a vet or clinic in the area who DARED TO HELP IT! Perhaps the media news station who reported it can contact local vets and clinics to bring it to their attention. PAWS crossed BEAR IS RESCUED, treated, healed and left alone!

    • There are vets who are licensed to treat wild life. I’m hoping a vet will come and dart him and remove the arrow but Wildlife services won’t let that happen, they want that bear dead because they can make $100,000 selling the bear parts. Wildlife services has been taken over by hunters so they can kill any animal any time legally. 2 million animals were killed in 2020 by Wildlife services!

  5. Follow-up comment: I found the newscaster, Laurie Perez, who reported this on CBS Los Angeles on FaceBook - I could not find the story there nor could I comment if I did so I sent her the following message, “Greetings! PAWS crossed you see and read this as I can not find nor post here on the story you provided regarding a wounded BEAR in ARCADIA, shot with an arrow and crying for HELP. This is unconscionable, inhumane and beyond cruel on all levels! It would be nice if BEAR stumbled upon a vet or clinic in the area who DARED TO HELP IT! I hope you or your station consider contacting local vets and clinics to bring it to their attention. Holding hope BEAR IS RESCUED, treated, healed and left alone! Folks in that area need to petition for an END to bear (and other) hunting especially by bow and arrow! Thank you for your attention and look forward to a (happy) update.”

  6. This is very heartbreaking! I find it really hard to swallow that fish and game aren’t going to help the bear…isn’t that part of their job?! Or At least contact an organization that will actively look for and aid the poor thing? Pretty f**ked up CDFG!!

  7. Fish and Wildlife has been taken over by hunters so they can kill any and all animals out of season legally! They are suppose to help this bear but they won’t. They will wait till it’s near death then show up and “Humanely” euthanize him! A bears body is worth about $100,000, the gall bladder alone is worth $50.000 each paw can sell for 5K to 10K and $25,000 for the pelt. The stupid Queens guard refuses to use fake fur for those asinine hats they wear and must be made with real bear fur! Stella McCartney’s clothing line made a fake fur that looked real and still they refused to use it. Poor ol bear worked hard all summer foraging so he could survive the winter and some jerk who was a bad shot has now made the poor guy suffer.


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