Owner left his injured dog fend for himself for weeks in 100 degree heat

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For two weeks, Buddy suffered in the backyard of his home; no one cared no one even came to check on him. And in a rural Texas neighborhood, mercilessly Buddy was left to fend for himself after having been attacked by another dog.

When a rescuer found out about Buddy’s plight – the dog left in the 100 degree heat with no food or water, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC were notified. Without hesitation the organization responded and Buddy was rushed to an emergency veterinarian hospital for life saving care.

At the hospital, Buddy is now on oxygen to help him breathe, receiving a blood transfusion and treatments to treat the infection in his body.

Check out his video:


To help Buddy, donations can be sent via:




“Buddy is alive and in an oxygen tank at this time at the Emergency Hospital in McAllen TEXAS … prayers needed
Estimate for medical Care is $2500
He was also hit by a car and starved by his owner to near death .”

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  1. This POS owner has earned himself a reserved space in the hottest part of Hell!!! He can’t get to Hell fast enough!!!

    Poor precious treasure. If you don’t want your pet, you can always sign them over to a rescue group or a shelter if your family and friends can’t take your pet……

    He could have taken his ill/injured pet to the vet or a shelter and requested euthanasia (if the illness or injury is extremely severe and nothing medical will help improve the pet’s quality of life)…..

    Instead, this POS chose to ignore his pet’s suffering and did nothing, not even provide food or water……

    To leave a suffering animal and starve it is neglect. This POS owner should be charged as a criminal.


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