Puppies accidentally stumbled into spilled tar in garbage pile

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In a local village near Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, four puppies accidentally stumbled into spilled tar at a garbage pile. According to local villagers, who notified Animal Aid Unlimited asking for help, as the first puppy wandered into the oil slick, she started to whimper and cry. When the other three puppies became upset over their sibling crying, they ran into investigate, and they too became glued down with the poisonous, sticky tar.

The mother of the puppies couldn’t be found, and had not volunteers from Animal Aid Unlimited intervened, the puppies would not have survived.


For hours, the medical staff removed the tar from each puppy with oil and dish soap. Two of the puppies were so immersed in the sticky oil, they were unable to move; they could only blink their eyes.

By the time the mother of the puppies was discovered and brought to be reunited with her little ones, a lot had happened.

Check out the video for the conclusion:


And four puppies were happy to be reunited with their mom and ready to be loved again.

To help more innocent victims of abuse, neglect and terrible accidents, donations can be sent:http://www.animalaidunlimited.org/donate.html

(Photos and video Animal Aid Unlimited/Instagram)

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  1. My husband and I regularly donate to this wonderful organization. They work miracles with very limited resources and genuine love for animals…….


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