Woman who owned puppy found dead in red suitcase charged

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In Collinsville, Oklahoma, authorities charged the woman who owned a puppy found dead in an old red suitcase along a walking trail at Collinsville Lake. Shelly Standridge owned the dog and refused to take him to a veterinarian. She was charged with felony animal cruelty on Saturday.

According to Newson6, Collinsville police stated the cocker spaniel mix was already dead before he was placed inside of the suitcase. A necropsy revealed the pup had parasites and that he belonged to Standridge who let the dog suffer for four or five days.  Susie McConaghie, owner of Paco Paws Rescue, and who also helps out with the city shelter was heartbroken and said she could have helped the puppy and the owner had she known.

Standridge claimed she thought her boyfriend had buried the dog after it died.

Standridge also has two outstanding warrants for her arrest for unrelated cases in Tulsa County. Her bond has been set at $4,000.

Read previous article here.

(Photo of red suitcase via Newson6)

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Someone amputated this dog’s leg with garden shears – read more here.

Someone amputated dog's leg

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  1. Poor poor baby. Being stuffed in a suitcase 2 die!! What is wrong with people!! Just a bunch of losers!! Thank God justice came through!! I know it doesn’t compare 2 the poor dogs death, but at least that caught um

  2. What is wrong with people to even think of doing something like this? Did she care about the dog at all? A puppy with parasites could have easily been treated, and if she couldn’t afford to do it, then release the pup to the shelter. How you could and your brain dead boyfriend look at this pup suffer and ignore it? Jail is too good for her. Now she has to spend more money that she could have spent initially to treat the pup. No brain cells in her head either.

  3. She let her puppy suffer for 4 or 5 days? I just can’t believe people and how they have no concept of taking care of animals

  4. Another human monster, why have a dog if you are going to treat it like this. She deserves the same treatment, may she rot in Hell!

  5. This fucked up bitch needs for someone to torture her and then stuff her in a bag. I hate all these animal abusers and hope she and the others all have a short suffering painful life.

  6. Well how about she gets parasites the we stuff her into a suitcase then dump here in some far off place that might only get one visitor in the next 20 years or so leave her there & think Ohh perhaps she went on holiday as she has a suitcase missing @ home Sad cow hope she gets whatfor with really bad Karma

  7. O Shelly Standridge – I would absolutely LOVE five minutes with you – your cruelty deserves a massive beat down, and NO medical attention – I hope your stay in the local jail is one of abuse on a daily basis – all day long. Your actions proved you are nothing more than a waste of flesh and bone – to refuse to take a puppy to a vet shows you should never be anywhere near an animal ever again – hopefully, there is a judge in Oklahoma who is so disgusted with the likes of you and sticks your skank ass in jail – as far as I am concerned you are a murderer and should be treated like one.

  8. Ms. Shelly, I hope you have nightmares and no peace in your dark heart , soul and mind for the rest of your life. Another thing it was your responsibly to make sure your dog not your boyfriend had a proper burial. Your story is bull shit. It is obvious you did not give a dam about this poor innocent pup who did nothing to you, but loved you..


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