Beagle used for lab testing found paralyzed in Kentucky county dump

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In Floyd County, Kentucky, a young beagle believed to have been used in lab testing, was found partially paralyzed in a county dump on Friday. The dog has been named Dixie Rose.

According to the Rescue Freedom Project, based in North Hollywood California, dedicated to ending all forms of animal exploitation through rescues, campaigns and legislation, Dixie Rose had a marking tattooed in her ear designating she had likely been a lab testing animal. Candice Theis, with the rescue organization, stated the dog had been found in Floyd County at the dump and her back legs were paralyzed. The county  shelter contacted Theis for help with Dixie Rose.

On the organization’s social media page, the puppy’s heartbreaking story was shared:

“NEW RESCUE! – R+FP just rescued a PARALYZED victim of animal testing! After enduring EXPERIMENTS she was discarded outside with the other “TRASH.” She eventually was able to crawl to the road to be seen and we were contacted.

Dixie Rose is not disposable. She is not garbage! Dixie will soon be on her way to specialized orthopedic and internal medicine veterinarians to see if there is a chance Dixie will be able to walk again and to check for other potential internal issues.”


On Sunday, Dixie Rose was placed in a foster home in Lexington. Surprisingly, her caretakers say the pup still wags her tail and wants to give and accept love and affection. Dixie Rose is expected to need surgery, specialized care and a loving home in the future.

There has not been any lab identified as to where the dog may have been a test subject. For more information about companies that use animals in testing, Rescue Freedom Project directs readers to download the following information on Cruelty Cutter.

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  1. I’ll bet every dollar I have, what they experimented on her was something that probably wasn’t even needed. I hope someone can see the weather of joy Dixie has to give.

  2. If only people knew – not only are vivisected animals tortured, and then discarded like trash every day, but when the vivisectors can get their hands on people to experiment on, they do the same thing to them.

    This is NOT a noble “profession.” It serves no altruistic purpose, despite all the public relations releases telling us that is does. It is at the high end of the most evil pursuits in existence.

    This book can be read free, online. There are many other doctors weighing in on the deception surrounding this counterproductive experimenting, but, as with all truth which exposes underhanded but financially lucrative endeavors , there is an extreme amount of censorship.


    And this challenge by Dr. Vernon Coleman, M.D.

    Vernon Coleman – Animals

  3. The horrific manner in which people treat animals and abuse animals in the name of science is despicable to say the least. I pray this baby get a loving home and recovers to have a good life

  4. Used for experimenting and then just thrown away in a landfill how humane of whoever did this! There is a special place in Hell for these “experimenters” that have done such horrific deeds. Prayers for little Dixie Rose, Beagles are some of the gentlest, friendliest, precious dogs in earth and it breaks my heart to see her or any dog for that matter treated like this.


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