Sheriff rescues cat pinned at top of closed garage door

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In Donaldsonville, Louisiana, a sheriff’s deputy rescued a cat pinned with the top half of his body in a closed garage door. The Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office posted the photo of the cat named Bella to their Facebook page drawing gasps from readers and concerned

Be not afraid however, because retired Deputy Mike Scott immediately responded to the situation.

“A cat had been stuck between a garage door of a residence and the wall. Never in all my years (34) was I prepared to encounter what I saw upon my arrival,” Deputy Scott posted on Facebook.

Fortunately Deputy Scott has a lot of help from neighbors and friends.

“The neighbors were very helpful as we cautiously removed the upper frame molding that allowed some space for us to remove the cat. With a joint effort with neighbors we were able to remove the cat alive.”

Not long after the amazing rescue, Bella’s owner returned home. He had been buying lumber to repair damage from the recent floods and suspected the cat had been asleep on the garage floor when he left. Miraculously Bella escaped unscathed. How many lives do you think Bella gave up for that situation?

Deputy Mike Scott worked 34 years for the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office and retired as a captain over uniform patrol in 2011. After two years of retirement he returned as a part time officer.

“It’s a privilege to be on the streets with these much younger criminal justice professionals,” said Deputy Scott. “I like to be able to assist with taking calls like such so that the younger deputies can stay available for criminal complaints and investigations.”

We’re always glad to honor a few good men Deputy Scott. Thank you for your service.

Photos of cat pinned in garage dog courtesy of Facebook page Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office.

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  1. My Goodness, this kitty’s curiosity almost killed the cat. How did the cat ever get in a position like that? Kudos to Deputy Scott and the neighbors. They certainly went above and beyond to save this kitty.

  2. Yipes! This one could have ended badly. Thank you to all that took care to get this kitty out of the mess he was in. To Deputy Scott, thank you for your dedication and service.

  3. THANK YOU, sir. You will be blessed, make no mistake. Just as those who hurt animals will face the wrath of karma, you will be reap rewards. God bless you.


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