Hunter grinning and bragging about moose kills draws online disgust

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Calling herself an “outdoor enthusiast,” Jessica Grays’ latest post on social media, showcasing 20 photos of killing a moose while hunting in Alaska, has set the pace for a river of comments of disgust from the online community. On Grays’ Facebook page, she added 20 photos of the dead moose as she and her partner posed smiling.

“A huge congratulations to my partner in crime on harvesting the monster bull! Many years guiding these big animals and now he has one of his own! Alaska is seriously amazing and I count myself lucky for getting to come back every year! Weather hasn’t been on our our side and may be stuck a little longer.”

Hundreds of comments have since lambasted the hunter for her obvious goals towards wanting to be a celebrity:

“You are one disgusting ugly vile wench. Nature is something to stand back and admire. Not to murder, cut its head off, and nail to your wall. I can only pray that one day, karma returns the favor, and your head ends up on someone’s wall.”

“WTF?! A moose? Isn’t the excuse you monsters give for killing wolves “we need to protect the moose population”?! You are NOT conversationalists, you are greedy antler-stealing LIARS!!!”

“What horrendous cowards these people are! Not hunters at all. Just murderers killing defenseless animals with high-powered guns. No skill there, just weak acts of [cowardice] by despicable insecure idiots.”

Grays fired back thanking those who have criticized her, alleging she now has garnered numerous speaking engagements and sponsorships; among them women’s rights groups:

 “…It has created quite the media stir bringing this to a National Platform where I have media, newspaper, huntings blogs, radio stations and women’s rights groups contacting me to be spokesperson and sponsorships from it! Please keep the HATE coming! Two days ago I was a passionate small town hunter and today I have multiple new sponsors and hunts lined up across the country…”

Perhaps it is the story of bragging on social media about the “hunt” and posing with wild animals that so many people find offensive. People says they want to admire the animals while they are alive, and not their magnificent antlers being casually carried through the forest clearing. Perhaps it is the heartbreaking murder of Cecil, the 13-year-old revered lion who was shot and killed in Zimbabwe by the American dentist Walter Palmer. Or perhaps it was Donald Trump Jr., who just last week ditched his secret service protection officers telling the world he wanted privacy, when instead he is alleged to have gone on a wild animal hunting expedition to add to his collection.

According to Yahoo News however, much of the criticism began on  Facebook page Coalition Against Trophy Hunting, Poaching & Animal Cruelty, where  photos of  Grays posed with slaughtered and stuffed lions. “Check her page out,” the post urges. “A lot more photos than this… please share/tweet name/shame (with her ego? the shame part will take a lot of work. Go for it).”

What are your thoughts?

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  1. “Partner in crime” – from her own mouth – says it all: Only a CUNT would celebrate a “woman’s right” to exercise equality in the most reprehensible of male “rites” – the senseless slaughter of innocents!
    I pray she’ll meet a similar fate – and right soon- to spare any more wondrous creatures from her wanton killing…

  2. She’s disgusting and I would boycott everybody that has given her the 15 minutes of fame she so covets. I guess she can’t make it on her own merits, she has to kill something to get her fame. So sad. She could do so much more and be an advocate for animals, another Jane Goodall perhaps, but no.

  3. Well if it’s attention she wants, I hope she is appreciating it! You want to murder beautiful animals then be prepared for criticism from animal lovers! Now a woman I would befriend!

  4. She sort of looks like those lions, so maybe someone should put her head on the wall as a trophy. Disgusting, vile woman without any compassion for those animals and their lives. Only what she wants is important. Horrible that hunting of these animals is still allowed.

  5. what kind of a female grins and poses with dead animals.
    what kind of a female could kill an animal minding its own business .
    what kind of female could watch an animal slowly die and stand over it in some kind of perverted conquest.
    This girl can? well this girl and piss face trump jr. can

  6. Looking forward to the day KARMA comes for this useless witch. Hope it is a wild animal that gives her hell for many hours before her life drains from her body.

  7. I don’t believe her re her pending mtgs, sponsors, etc. If the truth, list/publish them as proof. What “women’s rights” group would ask this animal murderer to speak at an event. I work with several and know of none. They would be repulsed by her barbaric behavior and she would be shunned. Again, prove it and post a list with ALL the names of those groups. I am embarrassed by your lack of compassion for life. Your represent a special type of stupid that women abhor.


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