Gone viral: Soldier saves lifeless puppy in emotional video with CPR

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When a two-day-old puppy was discovered drowning in a garage near the Royal Thai Army soldiers’ barracks after a torrential downpour, it had already turned “blue.” The dog’s mother was in a panic because she couldn’t rescue her lifeless puppy in time, however a soldier identified as Weeraphon Sukudom had no intentions of letting this little one die.

In a video, which has garnered more than 12 million views, after having been posted to social media on Friday by Tongchane Paeloy, Weeraphon  is seen performing a gentle Heimlich maneuver on the puppy, trying to get it to breathe.  When that doesn’t work, he gives the tiny dog CPR.  Several times, he wraps the puppy in a towel, breathes gently into its mouth and pushes on the fragile little pup’s chest while massaging its heart.

Weeraphon, 25, said he had learned CPR years ago, but had never used it before. While the video is playing, you can hear the other soldiers in the background giving him advice as the rain pours down outside. The garage is flooded as Weeraphon and the other men stand knee deep in the water attending to the puppy.


Everyone smiles, and so will you as the camera closes in on the tiny puppy’s face- very much alive and seems to be yawning – perhaps not even aware that he almost died and had the coolest soldier save his young life.

(Photo of soldier saves lifeless puppy via Tongchane Paeloy)

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  1. God bless this shoulder you are a special man who deserves a metal for saving this adorable puppy god bled you always mama was happy too yeah ” bg


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