Tag: Animal Rescue

Defeated little pup wondering what he did wrong slated to be euth’ed

At the Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a one-year-old mixed breed dog was found wandering along Ramona Ave...

Poor pup lives alone on first floor of home because of his ‘allergies’

In the suburbs of New York City, a sweet dog named Reggie has been living a very...

Irresponsible owner bred 17-year-old Great Dane who died giving birth to 4 puppies

It had been just a few days before Mother's Day 2023, when an irresponsible and surely heartless...

‘Why did you leave me here?’ If an abandoned dog could talk after left tied to mailbox

In the southern part of Orange County, California, a young dog had been abandoned on Friday; he...

Heartbreaking adoption event as dog watched for hours as puppies left with families and no one showed any interest in her

In Houston, Texas, a Mother's Day dog adoption event at PetSet, turned out to be another heartbreaking...

UPDATE: Emaciated pup left tied to bus stop making miraculous recovery

A tiny, lifeless dog, caked in urine, was discovered at a bus stop near St. Louis on...

Poor pup dragged by rope, left behind and there he waited for 24 hours

Near Downtown Los Angeles, in Southgate, a small defeated, defenseless, injured and frightened dog had the worst...

Operation Waddle: Secret Service help mom duck and ducklings find way to Capitol Reflecting Pool

In Washington, D.C., the United States Secret Service is obviously not just for the President. A mother...

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