UPDATE: ‘Sack of bones’ German shepherd making progress in his recovery

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It had been on Friday morning when a plea for help directed volunteers and staff at Stray Rescue of St. Louis to a very skinny German shepherd lying in front of the caller’s home. Had the dog been struck by a vehicle and just left to suffer?

When rescuers arrived, the poor “sack of bones” dog was covered in burrs and smelled as though he had been living in the trash. He didn’t want to get to his feet. But that was okay – volunteers took their time to feed him some treats in order to earn his trust.

When he was able to be leashed and helped into the Jeep to bring him back to the rescue, he could barely stand or walk. His back legs and hind quarters were very weak.

And it was Friday afternoon when the dog, dubbed Bill Burr received his first bath:

Check out his video. Oh, how good that bath must have felt.


He is so handsome and smells so good – his fur is shining! He may not have ever gotten a bath in his whole life, but he sure seemed to enjoy it. He feels the love pouring in from all of you and it is giving him strength!


Sadly, Bill Burr has degenerative myelopathy, meaning his back limbs and spine are very weak. This is very common among pure-bred German Shepherds. Time and treatment will tell if he feels better or if he would do well with booties or wheels.

At this time, Bill Burr remains on a special diet – small meals every few hours, to help regulate his body into a regular eating pattern.

Looking better already!

To help Bill Burr and so many others at this fine rescue organization, please click here.

Read Bill Burr’s story when he was found.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

Wear a silly hat in exchange for some great treats. Works!
Don’t mess with this kitten!

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