UPDATE: Dog who lost her front legs by train to be fitted with prosthetics and custom cart

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In Baytown, Texas, someone posted about a dog in terrible need more than a month ago. The dog, since named Athena had been lying in the middle of the road while cars swerved around her. The Good Samaritan had been in tears as she described the terrible injuries the dog had sustained.

“…I saw a dog (pit bull) in the middle of the road and everyone driving around him. As I passed I noticed he/she the dog’s front legs had been _____ at the knees and she was walking on the ____. There was blood everywhere. I turned around and followed the dog to the back of the church. Went back to truck to get phone and when I came back it was gone. I looked for the dog for over an hour, but…”ThisIsHouston


Later in the day, it was discovered what had likely happened Athena, although the circumstances around the dog’s horrible injuries or why are not known. An initial witness, Jeremy had spotted the dog next to the train tracks. Searching further they found one of her paws in the train tracks. Dogs don’t intentionally allow themselves to be hit by trains, and so it is heart crushing to think what or who may have caused this horrible event.

It has been 40 days since Athena was rescued. Her front arms were severed off, and miraculously she survived. Since having been rescued, Athena has been hospitalized at Blue Pearl for 40 days and is now ready to be discharged. Her bandages are changed daily, and if everything goes well, she will be heading home with a foster home on Tuesday.

To donate to Athena’s care: Paypal.me/ThisIsHoustonTX

Venmo @ThisIsHoustonCash App $


Checks: PO Box 2821, Houston TX 77252

Read her previous coverage here.

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Car full of Great Danes off to get ice cream

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