Brighter days ahead for skeletal dog found too weak to walk

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Brighter days are in store for an emaciated dog found earlier this month in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The skeletal dog, weighing in at just 24 pounds, was so weak when he was found on a Tuesday night that he could not stand. The Pennsylvania SPCA writes:

Our Humane Law Enforcement team was on the case, rushing to pick him up. He was transported to our hospital where we discovered that he weighed just 24 lbs. He was estimated to be about 3-years-old and should weigh double that. Zero scored a 1/9 on the Purina Body Condition Scale, he couldn’t have scored any lower while still being alive.

Zero was covered in fleas, had an open wound on his leg, and old wounds on his face…what happened to this boy before he was left on the street to die?

The shelter said:

So often we are left to wonder what happened to animals in this condition who arrive as strays. While our officers are actively investigating just who might be responsible for what can only be described as blatant neglect – in Zero’s case we may too be left asking why.But, we won’t be asking what his future looks like – because we know it’ll be bright.

Zero was put on IV fluids, antibiotics, and a refeeding plan – and slowly but surely, he is turning the corner. The shelter said:

He remained very quiet, often shaking in his kennel even with lots of blankets to keep him warm. As he begins to gain weight, we are working too on helping him to gain confidence.


By January 18, he was stable enough to move from our Philadelphia headquarters to our affiliate, Main Line Animal Rescue (MLAR)’s hospital where he’ll continue his recovery.
We can’t wait to share his updates, and we know they’ll be sharing on their page too!

You can follow Zero’s journey to better days at this link to the shelter’s Facebook page.

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