UPDATE: Bear’s story and the rescuers who are helping him bid farewell to neglect and abuse

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Street feeders in Cleveland, Texas had spotted a dog with a huge mass on his face eating cat food that had been left out on a nearby resident’s porch. Drops of blood had been left behind on the porch, and ThisIsHouston stepped up to help and sent out an envoy of volunteers to find the dog.

Rescuers were able to capture the dog neighbors had named Bear, and he was transported to the Blue Pearl Veterinarian Hospital in Spring. He was given a blood transfusion, and the diagnostics began. When he was captured on Sunday, everyone’s immediate reaction to the bleeding mass on his face, was cancer. Plans had been discussed with oncologists for providing the best care for Bear’s time left.

After a CT scan was performed to assess the severity of the tumor, the radiologist concluded that the mass was a necrotic abscess and the result of a recent bullet wound. Bear did not have cancer. The dog had been shot in the neck with an entry wound on the right side of his face. The bullet traveled through his neck and became lodged on the left side. An infection from the wound is likely what caused the mass or at least part of the swelling and the infection.

Bear underwent surgery on Wednesday and did quite well. His vital signs have remained within normal limits, and he is eating and getting around quite well with some support. His face remains swollen, but he just had a 3.5 pound mass removed from his face. Imagine how good that must feel?

Thursday’s update provides the following:

His PCV (packed cell volume) decreased overnight from 21% to 17%. His vet isn’t too concerned because clinically, he’s doing well and eating well. They suspect it’s just from how much blood loss he had, plus the effect from all the fleas and ticks he was covered in. As of now, no blood transfusion is needed and they will recheck the value at 4pm.


We will continue to update.

To donate to Bear’s care:


Venmo @ThisIsHoustonCash App $ThisIsHoustonthis-is-houston.org/ways-to-help/donate/

Checks: PO Box 2821, Houston TX 77252

Read Bear’s story here.

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