An elderly woman raised a puppy unaware he was a wolf but this one saved her life

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In a small village in Siberia, a retired woman enjoyed her privacy, but welcomed three tired strangers to her home as they passed through the area on their way back from hunting. With them, they carried three tiny puppies whose mother had not been found, and the kind strangers didn’t want to leave them unprotected and out in the open fields to die.

The next day, the men left on their trip heading home, but decided to leave one of the pups behind because it had been the runt of the litter and seemed quite weak. The men never told the woman where they found the little ones, and the woman just figured someone had abandoned the puppies. And so she raised the adorable little one. No one ever explained to the woman that she had been raising a wolf cub.

As the puppy grew older, he became very bonded with the woman, and would sleep in the house on cold nights and wander around the farm during the day. Often he would chase chickens and birds – the woman would get angry with him. The puppy didn’t like upsetting his owner, and when she would scold him, he would put his ears down and back and slink into the corner.

The puppy never barked – only growled; the woman named him Volchok and both lived together in harmony; that is until three criminals crossed the woman’s property with the intentions of harming the woman, taking over her home and hiding out for as long as they needed.

Volchok, however had a different idea. When the criminals broke into the woman’s house and started to become violent, Volchok growled and showed his teeth in a defensive manner. One man pulled out a knife and stabbed the dog in the paw, but the fierce protector wasn’t deterred, and Volchok attacked and chased the men out of the woman’s home.

As the criminals ran away, the other dogs in the village started barking loudly, bringing out their families who all banded together with the local police, to capture the outlaws.

And yes, Volchok did recover. He never was a fan of most humans, but his love for the woman who raised and loved him never waned. No doubt in our minds, the woman never lost faith in Volchok either.

(Photos screenshots via YouTube video below)

Check out the video:

(YouTube video)

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