Owner of kitten covered in mites and maggots wanted her put to sleep but sanctuary wouldn’t hear of it

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In Rimersburg, Pennsylvania, the owner of a six-week-old kitten arrived at a nearby veterinarian’s office early this week; the kitten had been covered in mites and maggots crawling through a deep gash in his tiny head. Not knowing what to do, the kitten’s owner asked that his kitten be euthanized.

At the same time, a volunteer from the Sacred Souls Sanctuary, had been at the veterinarian’s office and overheard the conversation. The rescuer questioned the vet and asked if the kitten’s condition could be safely treated and if he had a chance to make a full recovery – the answer was yes.

And so it happened; the kitten, now named Cat Stevens is being treated for ear mites and has been started on antibiotics to treat his infections. His maggot filled head injury is also being addressed, and as one can see from his photos, Cat Stevens is eating like a champ, and his prognosis is promising.

Sacred Souls Sanctuary is hoping to raise donations to cover his vet appointments, future wound care, vaccinations and surgery to have him neutered…”

Sacred Souls Sanctuary

(Photos via screenshots Cuddly.com)

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