Update on Amish puppy mill survivor rushed to emergency hospital

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Just days ago, a five-year-old Boxer arrived at the Adopt A Boxer Rescue; rescued from an Amish puppy mill. When he arrived, everyone fell in love with Clyde – the quiet, unassuming and sweet dog. On Sunday, what was to be a joyful day for the puppy mill survivor, quickly turned into an emergency when he was found in the morning completely unresponsive.

“His screams filled the cold, rainy parking lot of the emergency hospital as the the technicians rushed him inside on the gurney. Our volunteer walked back to her car with a lump in her throat and tears in her eyes.”

Clyde’s neurologist told the rescue organization, the dog has likely suffered from swelling in his brain.  Any infectious diseases have been ruled out. He is currently on steroids and additional medication to reduce the swelling.

Clyde is not in any discomfort and is being kept comfortable. He continues to be a sweet, loving pup.

On Tuesday morning, Clyde is scheduled to undergo an MRI which should tell more of the story. Everything medically possible is being done for him.

“Please hold a good thought for the veterinary team that is providing him with around the clock care, the volunteers that are worried sick about him and most of all, this very special mill man that deserves his chance at a happy, healthy life. Thank you to all of our friends, followers and supporters, for without you, none of this possible.
Until tomorrow, we will worry, pray and prepare to do whatever it takes. May we have a positive prognosis.”

Meanwhile, Adopt A Boxer Rescue is asking for your support with donations. To help please click here.

We are all pulling for you Clyde.


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  1. Just sent $50 from our private group. My heart goes out to the foster mom, how truly shocking that must have been to find him in such a state of distress. I hope and pray this is the result of something “medical/physical” that can be treated and resolved. MRI will tell the true story of what “may” have happened to cause this and ruling out medical may indicate head trauma from a “object”. To anyone out there who knows what really happened, I pray you see your way clear to come forward. Praying for you sweetie and ALL those involved in helping/treating you.


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