Man shoots his neighbor’s dog with handgun through window

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In Fayette County, West Virginia, a man who shot a lost dog on his porch with his handgun through the window has been charged with animal cruelty. Llyod Gill was arrested on Sunday after deputies were called to a residence in Scarbro after gunshots were fired.

According to Wowktv, Gill had been inside of his home with his pets and shot the lost dog in the chest that had been on his porch. The dog ran off, but officers and the dog’s owner were able to find him alive. Deputies stated the dog was “friendly and approachable” even after suffering the gun shot injuries.

Gill has been released on $2,500 bond. If anyone has any additional information, they are asked to contact the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department at 304.574.3590 or CrimeStoppers of West Virginia at 304.255.STOP.

The dog’s condition is unknown.

(Photo of man who shot dog with handgun via Fayette County Sheriff’s Department)

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Man arrested after going swimming, leaving dog to suffer in hot car – read more here.

Owner went swimming, dog left in hot truck


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  1. God forbid that this dog sits on his precious porch! This Cretin needs serious jail time and his gun taken away because he truely doesn’t know when to use a gun. Sickening.

    • That is exactly what this old fuck needs. A lousy $2500. bail is a slap on his wrinkled wrist. He should be sitting in a jail cell being a victim to any and all predatory inmates – let his nasty ass be treated like trash.

  2. Prayers for this dog, There is a special place in Hell for monsters like this man that will shoot a lost dog through a window instead of trying to find out where he belongs or calling animal control for help. He is cruel and inhumane. You would think someone who had pets of his own would be more understanding and sympathetic to the dog’s plight! I hope they throw the book at him and take away his pets, he isn’t fit to have them!

    • You said it!!!!! I agree with you. There is a special place in Hell reserved and waiting for this POS…… he will burn forever for his cruelty……. hope he gets there soon…….

      Hope the lost dog survives and is reunited with his family ASAP…..

  3. Another monster who owns a gun and uses it improperly. He is inside yet he thinks it’s ok to shoot a dog on your porch rather than contact police or animal control? This cretin needs to be in jail to think over what he did plus pay whatever the vet bills are for the dog he shot. Take his guns away from him so he can’t do this again to another animal or even human.

  4. Deserves serious jail time! Regardless, God and “karma” will take care of him.
    As always, there are no exceptions!

  5. Needs an ENEMA with a thirty-eight to clean out the VILE &EVIL fecal matter this Putrid ASS is made up of!!! This method works far better than Prune JUICE!!!

  6. Here’s some additional info…this guy’s a Fuck up!!! Shoot his dumb ass and if he survives throw his ass in jail for being a hateful fuck!!! ????


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