Owner claims ‘exercise’ routine after video of dog dragging tire appears on social media

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In Beaverton, Oregon, the owner of a dog caught on video over the weekend dragging a tire calls his training technique “exercise.”  Two dogs, wearing a harness, were seen dragging tires behind them. The person who recorded the video feared the owner may have been abusing his dogs.

According to KatuNews, the owner of the dogs, Denes Balasz, stated the dogs pull tires behind them on walks; explaining when he was a runner, he pulled tires as a part of his weight training – describing the pulling motions help to develop and maintain the muscles of his two Dogo Argentinos. Jasmine and Sultan are both four-years-old – they are a large game hunting breed and are very friendly and great around children.

Balasz has raised the dogs since they were puppies, and says they are well-trained, well-exercised and great dogs with very friendly dispositions. Although neither dog has ever competed in any kind of pulling or strength competition, he insists his dogs thoroughly enjoy their exercise. One of the tires weighs five pounds, while the other tire weighs  from ten to fifteen pounds.

The person who recorded the video expressed her concerns as the outdoor temperature that day was 90 degrees, and she didn’t think anyone should be exercising their dogs hard – much less pulling weights in the extreme heat. Balasz answered back that he had been close to home where the dogs had access to plenty of cool water and had not been worried about the heat – even though the dogs had been pulling on an asphalt surface which is known to heat up and possibly burn the pads on dogs’ paws.

Both dogs appeared to be very healthy and Beaverton Police say no crime has been committed as per Oregon law.

Just one week ago, two women in St. Louis, were spotted forcing a small puppy to drag heavy weights during its walk. Animal advocate, Kathy Venegoni posted a photo she took of the incident and believed it was an act of animal cruelty. The Humane Society of Missouri, however states what was shown is not illegal, and unless the dog is underweight or injured, this kind of action is not against the law. Police and animal control officers can only intervene if the weights are causing the dog to be in distress. St. Louis Metropolitan Police stated this is a “sport” and not illegal.

Read more about this story here.

(Photo of dog dragging tire screenshot via KatuNews)

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  1. People are so effing stupid. Forced to pull tires is cruelty…forced to pull tires in 90 degree weather is life threatening for heat stroke,

  2. So apparently not only were the two women in St Louis dropped on their head when they were born so was this idiot in Beaverton OR….and the police do nothing. HEY STL POLICE!!!! IS DOG FIGHTING A LEGAL SPORT???

  3. If it was 90 degrees out, no he shouldn’t have been exercise the dogs at that time. As far as the tires, I used to use logs that had swivel hooks in each end to train my husky’s to pull for mushing. 10 lb weights for an adult dog should be fine. The puppy on the other hand, that was way too much weight for a puppy to be pulling. The puppy should have been pulling about two lbs at the most.

    • If this stupid ahole wasn’t dropped on his head at birth, I’d offer to do it now – this is animal cruelty and I am suspicious of his true intentions.

  4. Some people do not DESERVE a pet. They are not to be hauling tires, weights, etc. They are to be in your home to love you and give you companionship……not to LOOK like muscle bound animals. Come on people, let them be happy, loving pets, not weight lifters!!!

  5. I do agree that this breed does need lots of exercise, but this makes me suspicious as hell. I hope the police keep this person on their radar.

  6. No way..let your dogs be dogs….I don’t see him pulling any weights…..I hope they runaway, to get away from this idiot….unbelievable what popleo to their pets ….poor pups,hope he loses them both….this pup doesn’t look happy to me.

  7. No way are those tires 5-10 pounds. What is the reason for doing that. Walking a dog normally is all they need or running in a park.


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