Hearts shattered watching small dog shot in back dragging his feet across rough terrain

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In Brewster, New York, volunteers from S.N.A.R.R. Animal Rescue witnessed a scene in rural Texas that was so heartbreaking, the images of a tiny dog paralyzed in his rear area, will forever linger in their minds.

A small dachshund mix named Kirby had been shot repeatedly in the back. What kind of person could be so callous and heartless? The description of Kirby trying his best to survive defies the pain our hearts can withstand:

…Kirby dragging his little legs across unforgiving rocky terrain, leaving behind a painful trail of blood, shook us to our core. His paws, raw and battered, told a tale of suffering that words can hardly capture.

Facebook S.N.A.R.R.

Kirby was immediately greeted into the rescue organization’s family, where he will be receiving the best treatments available to make his life more pleasant, less painful and certainly will be in an environment where he will be loved and cherished.

Check out Kirby’s video to know where he came from:


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Oh my!

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  1. This is beyond cruel to shoot a tiny harmless little dog……. Whoever did this cruel act to Kirby has a reserved spot in the hottest part of Hell to burn forever for their cruelty!!! I am so sorry for this precious little treasure😭😭😭 I hope he recovers ASAP and gets a doggy wheelchair if he needs ongoing mobility assistance. I am praying for him and hope only the best for him (he’s getting the best help possible from wonderful people). I wish the worst possible karma for the POS who was so cruel. They deserve a hot date with an 18 wheeler ASAP!!!


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