Fresno man faced eviction while fighting to foster 11 neglected puppies

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A local man in Fresno, California, faced a heartbreaking situation. Mauricio Mendoza, a kind-hearted resident, had dedicated himself to fostering 11 neglected puppies, but found himself on the verge of eviction.

According to, Mendoza took in the puppies in February after they were discovered abandoned and malnourished in Del Rey when he saw a dog and her litter of puppies. The owner no longer wanted the mother dog and her puppies and just left them in the front yard. At the time, it had been pouring rain, and it was then that Mendoza and his husband reported the incident to the police and took the 11 puppies home. Fortunately, they were able to find a home for the mother dog.

With a limited income, the men had selflessly provided the necessary care for these vulnerable animals, ensuring they received proper nourishment and medical attention. The men had already reached out to local shelters and rescue organizations for help, but no one responded, and the shelters in the area were already overcrowded.

However, Mendoza’s act of compassion soon coincided with a personal housing crisis. The landlord handed him a three-day notice to vacate the residence; jeopardizing not only his own living situation but also the well-being of the foster puppies.

Fortunately, thanks to the help of generous animal advocates and social media, Mendoza has gained the support he needs to care for the puppies. Fresno Lost/Found Pets, and Rescue Network volunteers have since stepped up to help.

This story highlights the critical role foster caregivers play in animal rescue organizations. Mendoza, his husband and the community volunteer offers to foster have alleviated some of the burdens on local shelters, providing a safe haven for these orphaned puppies.

This situation raises important questions about the support available to foster caregivers facing unforeseen challenges. While Mendoza’s dedication to these animals is commendable, it underscores the need for additional resources to assist foster families in times of crisis.

Call to Action

Pet Rescue Report urges the Fresno community to continue to rally behind rescuers.

  • Financial Donations: Donations can assist with new pet-friendly housing. Make sure to check out the organizations, et al before donating.
  • Volunteer Support: Volunteers can offer temporary foster care for the puppies or assist John in finding new housing.
  • Reaching Out to Local Shelters: Contacting local animal shelters to raise awareness of John’s situation and explore foster care or adoption options for the puppies.

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