French bulldog who swallowed 11 rubber ducks survived emergency surgery

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In Shanghai, China, the owner of a French bulldog was shocked when her dog became ill and she had to rush him to an emergency veterinarian for emergency surgery recently.

According to the Straits Times, the dog’s owner, Ms. Liu, received tiny toy ducks free when purchasing green tea drinks. She remembers wondering when one of her favorites – a red duck was missing from her collection. Afraid the dog had swallowed the toy, she took the dog to the vet.

After an x-ray, Ms. Liu was told it wasn’t just one duck the playful pooch had swallowed; it was 11 rubber ducks!

The operation cost $1,487, and her dog has since recovered well.

Once the story was shared on social media, many other pet owners shared how their dogs and cats consumed toys and home objects; another one of the stories that seemed quite stunning concerned a cat that had swallowed a pile of foam pads. The cat also underwent surgery and survived.

A lesson for us all perhaps – watch our four-legged pals from chewing on or eating the most unusual household objects.

This writer remembers her ShihTzu puppy playing and grabbing a quarter and swallowing it. Off to the emergency veterinarian we went. Luckily, the vet was able to use a scope and retrieve the quarter. In the end, we did get the quarter back, but add that to a $500 bill and lots of worry.

Share your stories of your pets’ mischief.

(Photos via screenshot on Weibo)

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