Dallas rescue offers to help 19 day old puppy breeder accidentally fed improperly

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Dallas Dog – Rescue, Rehab. Reform stepped up to help a puppy only 19 days old on Saturday morning. The mother of the golden doodle puppy had not wanted to nurse her newborn, and when the breeder tried to feed her, he accidentally aspirated him.

Aspiration pneumonia occurs when liquid or solid materials get breathed into the lungs. It occurs commonly in young puppies, especially those that are improperly tube fed or have a cleft palate (abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth). Aspiration pneumonia requires immediate and intensive veterinary care.

Pet Help Network

The breeder did not want to pay to treat the puppy, which meant the puppy was slated to be euthanized had it not been for the efforts of a veterinary tech who just felt something special for this tiny life. He immediately offered to help the puppy, however it quickly became apparent to him that the costs to treat the puppy were more than he could afford.

The veterinarian staff reached out to Dallas Dog RRR for help. The puppy is currently still in an oxygen tent and will remain there until he is able to breathe on his own. He is being syringe fed as he does not have the strength to eat on his own.

The current bill for the puppy is currently at $2,400 and an estimate for his full care can go as high as $6,000.

The puppy has been named Li’l Biggs, and he is being nicknamed Bigsby. Help is needed to help this puppy survive. Bigsby has come out as a fighter, and he deserves a chance at life.

To help:

Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate

PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]



Cash App $DallasDogRRR

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Hero saves dog.
Getting camera ready perhaps?

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