Dog’s sad face breaks our hearts as he watches his human packing for college

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How exciting most of us get when we finally get to fly the nest and go to college. We have been planning this for years – working hard in school to get good grades, saving money for the academics filled with expenses, and of course, the fun we just know we’re going to have.

Yet, there’s a sad part too. First our parents, although they are happy we are going off to college, are already feeling the “empty nest syndrome,” but that’s what they signed up for and at the very least, we can text them and keep them up-to-date on our independence.

And perhaps many of us have forgotten how our four-legged companions are going to react to us leaving?

So let’s share a video showing one dog’s sad face as he watches his human sister packing up for college. TikTok user @madelynstorm4 captured this moment of time when she spotted her pup looking as though he wanted to cry.

Check out the video here:

“When your dog walks in on you packing for college. Brb crying.”

A lot of viewers shared their heartbreaking experiences with Madelyn when they also had to leave their dogs behind. It doesn’t seem to matter, however for dogs who just act like we are leaving forever – even if it’s a quick trip to the store. We have all witnessed their eyes widening, a bit of a whimper, and they just look as though they think we will be gone forever.

Animal behaviorists have speculated with plenty of theories how our dogs think when left alone, but since dogs don’t talk, we can only guess at their real feelings. The reality is that when we do leave, most dogs experience stress. This is when their hearts race and their hormones, such as cortisol, rise. Perhaps the first 30 minutes we are gone are the most difficult for them. The stress levels can last for the entire time we are gone and can result in behaviors of destruction, excessive panting, urinating on the floor – all that or some of it until they hear you turning the key in the front door.

Of course, some dogs are better at handling the stress, depending on the personality of the dog.

So what can be done? Animal behaviorists suggest dogs get accustomed to separation a little at a time. Then there are also lots of toys and puzzle rugs to leave with them to use up their time and distract them. After awhile, your pup will associate fun things with you leaving and won’t be so stressed until you get home.

As always, the best advice – consult your veterinarian.

Meanwhile, Madelyn will be home for vacation before you know it sweet pup. Hang in there!

(Photo screenshot via TikTok)

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Diving doggo!
Colt and pup become fast friends. 😉

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