Someone tried to dock tails and claws on one-month-old puppies before dumping them on the side of a road

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In a rural area not far from Dallas, a litter of one-month-old puppies had been dumped on the side of the road. They were covered in ants and extremely dehydrated. The puppies have been rescued by Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform and were immediately bottle fed and transported to the organization’s partner veterinarian.

They have been started on sub-q-fluids, dewormed and given Capstar for their flea infestations; they are all on antibiotics.

Sadly, the five puppies have been suffering. Whoever owned these puppies, suspected to be Anatolian shepherds, tried to dock their tails and cut away their dewclaws. Because of the damage done to their tails, it is likely they will all likely to have their tails docked. Why would anyone think that was a good idea?

Four of the puppies are male, and one is a female. They have been named Chaos, Edge, Gnash, Timon and Duchess.

Updates to follow.


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PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]

DogRRR NEW VENMODDRESCUE last four digits 8768Mailing address Dallas DogRRR1314 W McDermott Suite 106-741Allen,TX 75013

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  1. Those poor precious little treasures….. I hope they all recover and are rehomed into loving furever families who will treat them as beloved family members!!!


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