Man used warm coffee to rescue 3 kittens frozen to ground

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In Alberta, Canada, an oil worker used warm coffee to free three abandoned kittens stuck to the frozen ground on Wednesday.

Kendall Disisch had been out inspecting oil wells when he heard the kittens meowing. The three were partially frozen to the ground. The quick thinking man slowly poured his still warm coffee onto the ground to dislodge their tails.

“So today I found these three fellows on one of the back roads near one of my wells. Most likely dropped off. Poor things were frozen into the ice so they had to have been there all night. Took them home fed and watered them they look to be healthy and friendly. If any friends are looking to have a new addition in their family, let us know as they will need homes. All three look to be males, and we also gave them dewormer,” Kendall wrote on his Facebook page.

And as an update to this heartwarming story – the kittens have already been adopted.

“All three little rascals went to their new home today where they get to be together instead of separating them. All three are eating and drinking and very energetic. Thanks for everyone’s consideration and offering to take them very appreciated.”

Check out their video:

The Animal Protection Act makes it illegal to abandon an animal and cause it distress or suffering. Guilty people face up to a $20,000 fine and a lifetime ban on owning animals.

Anyone with information on these poor kittens left out to die, contact the SPCA at 1-800-455-9003.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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