Cops investigate ‘monster’ kid kicking hedgehog to death in sick game

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In the city of Turin located in the northern part of Italy, police are investigating a “monster” teenager videoed kicking a defenseless to death in a game called “keepie uppie.” The video went viral after it was posted on Facebook with more than 100,000 views.

In the disturbing footage, a small hedgehog can be seen on the ground at the feet of a teenager when he suddenly kicks the animal into the air. Laughter can be heard in the background as the nasty kid kicks the animal again into the air and it falls hard onto the ground. The teen reportedly left the hedgehog on the train tracks to be run over.

According to The Sun, the Italian League for Animal Rights (Lega Antivivsezione Italiana) reported the incident to authorities, found the little one’s body and buried it out of respect.

Police have since identified the 14-year-old who posted the video on social media. An investigation continues.

Rest in peace little one. You didn’t deserve to be mistreated or abused.

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  1. This poor precious little treasure did NOT deserve to be tortured and killed for the amusement of these POSs……..

    This POS is pure evil!!!!!!!! Lock this POS up and lose the keys!!!!! Should only leave prison in a pine box (& that is way too good for him)……. He will burn in the hottest part of Hell forever for his cruelty……. He can’t get to Hell fast enough……… His POS buddy who filmed the beating deserves the same!!!!!

    He has probably tortured other animals. This is how serial killers get started: small animals then kids, then adults…….


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