Moose in Alaska chills out next to sprinkler in record breaking heatwave

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A moose in Alaska was captured on video as he chilled out next to a sprinkler during a record breaking heatwave.  The Anchorage moose moved in next to an oscillating sprinkler to soak in an afternoon of relaxation in a resident’s yard.

According to the description in the following video, the moose had been “sprinkler hopping from yard to yard.” Temperatures hit the 90s this past week, making it a 30 year high. Average temperatures in Anchorage at this time range in the 60s.

And as much or as little as you might be hearing about global warming, this photo of the moose cooling, off albeit as cute as it is – should be a reminder that temperatures like these are not normal.

Check out the video via Viral Hog:

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