Missouri teens sentenced to prison for dragging kitten behind Jeep

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Two Branson, Missouri teens, who sparked social outrage last year after they tied a kitten to the bumper of their Jeep and dragged him to her death, were sentenced on Friday to spend at least the next four years in prison.

According to the Merced Sun-Star, Kyle Williams, 18, and Jordan Hall, 19, pleaded guilty to animal abuse. In the horrifying incident which occurred last June, a video had been posted to Facebook showing the kitten being dragged for nearly five minutes while the teens laughed. Twice they stopped their vehicle to check on the kitten and one of the participants could be heard saying:

“Keep going. Don’t stop. He’s almost dead!”

Court documents described Williams as tying a rope around the cat’s neck and then to the bumper. A person in the back of the vehicle videoed the kitten trying to run behind the vehicle “until it couldn’t run anymore.” The people continued to laugh and when the kitten wasn’t dead from being dragged, Williams beat it with a rock. He then posted the cat’s lifeless body on Facebook asking his viewers to buy him pizza.

A private Facebook group Cellulites were disgusted with the photo and video that Williams posted of himself with the body of the innocent bloodied and tortured kitten. Through their expert sleuthing,  they traced the teen’s identity and contacted police. The group later posted that “animal cruelty is not okay!”

Williams was sentenced to four years in prison for animal abuse and three years for armed criminal action to be served consecutively. In addition, the Taney County prosecutor stated he will also serve five years for “possession of a weapon in a county jail, relating to the sharpening of a spork into a ‘shank.'”

Hall was also sentenced to four years in prison for animal abuse.

Taney County prosecutor Jeff Merell thanked the people on social media for helping to bring justice to this small defenseless kitten as the result “for this senseless act of depravity.”

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  1. Hope they not only beat them daily, but whatever else they think they deserve.Inmates will give them the punishment they deserve.

  2. Let’s hope this turns into a life sentence for both of these monsters.

    Burn in hell, maggots, when you die.

    RIP little one.

  3. GOOD!!!! And in those 4 yrs .. I hope they 2 evil, VILE fucks get what’s coming to them while they are there, from the rest of the prisoners. Take a nice big jar of Vaseline with you .. you low life bastards. You are gonna need it!!! Hope you enjoy every minute of it

  4. HAHA karma got her revenge on you two BASTARDS. Enjoy your stay in prison i hope that the inmates give you a bloody good beating

  5. Williams will be serving 12 years for the three counts because the sentences are to be served consecutively not concurrently. First the 4 years, then when that is finished he serves the 3 year sentence and when that is done he serves the 5 year sentence. Very good news! Thank you judge!

  6. These two fucking punks, one white skank, one black skank – may your four years in prison make both of you talk with a lisp – may your butts be used for any and every vile act predatory inmates can think of. You will be the lowest form in prison and totally taken advantage of – keep your shank handy Williams, someone is going to turn it on you – hope they post it so we can all laugh.

  7. I FOR ONE COMMEND the JUDGE and The PROSCUTION STAFF , LAW ENFORCEMENT and the COMMUNITY for TAKING a STANCE for a CHANCE instead of Just Turning their backs on the evil deeds that is committed on a daily basis in the state of Missouri, in puppy mills and by demonic individual’s … DON”T STOP NOW THIS IS A WONDERFUL STEP for YOUR STATE OF MISSOURI to BREAK the MOLD of the Southern STATE of KEEPING your heads in the sand about the Evil Deeds that have been going on down there for ages!!!!


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