Saving Althea: Found nearly lifeless in Hurricane Harvey struck Texas town

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No one cared and no one came to help Althea – that is until a rescuer found the nearly lifeless dog lying on her side in a Hurricane Harvey struck south Texas town; too weak to move nor able to drink water or eat any food. Covered in ticks and worms, the young dog’s life was slowly draining out of her, but rescue volunteers were determined to help; after all her newly dubbed name meant “with healing power,” and this abandoned, once unwanted dog’s future was about to change forever.

With social media exploding with people wanting to help after her plight went viral, Ruff Tales Rescue stepped forward to help.  And so Althea was rushed to an emergency veterinary hospital on Friday evening:

“Suspected pyometra, pneumonia, maggots in the ears as well as ticks, decaying flesh on her tail as well as bone exposed extremely anemic. Going to run blood work and see her white cell count, snap test, radiograph and if he had any doubt would back it up with an ultrasound. Will need to take X-rays. She’s got reflexes in one back leg but not the other. Dr. also thinks she may have been hit by a car.”

And now her life counts, and she is reported to be doing well. Althea is drinking, eating and urinating regularly. She suffers from anaplasmosis (tickborn disease) and is being treated with doxycycline. As of this time, she suffers from a pelvic injury and is not able to walk, but although she is expected to have a long recovery, her prognosis is good. How’s that for saving a life?

To help Ruff Tales Rescue with this girl’s mounting medical bills, please click here. 



(Photos and video for saving Althea via Leslie Ysuhuaylas and Ruff Tales Rescue)

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

Video when rescuers arrived:


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  1. PLEASE help Althea to heal and fully recover – HUGE THANK YOU to Ruff Tales Rescue for their heroic efforts to save her – if not for them and the people who found her she would have died. I pray she makes a full recovery and gets the safe loving home she obviously never had.

  2. She is one of God’s beautiful creations abandoned in time of need. Whoever saves her, loves her and protects here will be welcomed into the Kingdom. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I have an awesome Vet. team and know lots of volunteers.

  3. I Struggle with the State of TEXAS sorry to say!! Why IS the amount of animal abuse, neglect, abandonment , at least quadruple “ALMOST” ANY other STATE in the UNION? Economic, Intelligence, Attitude, Racial, Demographic, or JUST THE PLAIN ” DON”T GIVE A HOOT” ATTITUDE of the People populating the Whole State? illegal alien’s can’t BE held totally responsible for the HORRIFIC TREATMENT of this STATE’s ANIMAL NEGLECT/ABUSE ISSUE!!!

  4. OMG! How heartbreaking! Althea is such a beautiful girl,a precious gift from God that I feel all dogs are. And her many health issues is so awful. When I see these poor dogs in these posts I just want to swoop in and gather them up into my arms and never let them go! This poor girl!!!!! I will be saying many many prayers for Althea❤️ And I want to thank the good Lord and Ruff Tails Rescue for the rescue of beautiful Althea❤️ THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH❤️


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