Man who tied up a dead fox on his garden gate forced to leave his home

Police are investigating after a snared dead fox was bizarrely left strung up on garden gate in broad daylight. See SWNS story SWFOX. Locals claim the homeowner caught the vixen in a snare trap set in his back garden to "catch rabbits to eat" - and then hung it at the roadside. Animal activists were alerted to the bloodied body of the female fox - allegedly with a snare through its mouth - and took it down on Friday. Now police in Minster-on-Sea on the Isle of Sheppey are investigating whether a crime has taken place. A 62-year-old woman who claims she took the photo before she removed the fox and alerted the authorities said: "A friend reported it to me so I drove over and found it.”
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A man who tied up a dead fox on his garden gate has been forced to leave his home this week, after having been “named and shamed” on an  online social media group. The disturbing photo was taken in front of the resident’s home, located on the Isle of Sheppey, an island off the northern coast of Kent, England.

According to the Facebook group, called the Gossip Board – Sheppey, the photo of the dead fox was shared with the following comment:

“…this has happened in Minster, ” 10 Danedale avenue “. those with cats in the area please be cautious !! Although snaring is not illegal allowing this poor baby to suffer unnecessarily like this and hung in public view it is sadistic, vile. This is animal abuse.”

In addition, it is not known how the fox died and if the animal had been strung up while still hanging onto life.

 “A man living at Minster on Sea, Sheerness has been setting snares in his garden and proudly displaying his tortured kill for all to see. His poor neighbor could hear the vixen screaming in the night, but thought she was mating, and it wasn’t till she saw this that she realized it was in fact this poor baby fighting for her life. Snares aren’t illegal sadly.”

Shocked residents claim the fox had been caught in a snare and the metal wire had cut through her neck before she was strung up to represent a “trophy.” According to the KentOnline, Angela Walder, former chairperson for the RSPCA – Sheppey was horrified and disgusted and stated the fox must have been in terrible agony while she died. As of this time, however, an RSPCA spokesperson said there is insufficient evidence of a breach of the law. A Kent police officer stated:

“Officers have made inquiries to establish whether any offenses have been committed but no charges have been brought against anyone in relation to this matter. It should go without saying that people should not take the law into their own hands.”

Area residents insist the neighborhood does not have a lot of foxes roaming in the area. She heard the noise that night of the animal crying, and was shocked the next morning to see it tied to the gate. Fox snares are legal in the U.K. but subject to restrictions.

Ray Allibone, who runs Swampy’s Wildlife Rescue in Sheerness, posted a warning telling those who live in Minster and Eastchurch to be careful with their pets as the snares can be lethal to domesticated pets left to roam outdoors.

“I’m afraid this will put your pets in a very vulnerable position,” Allibone posted on Facebook.

Why isn’t wildlife respected? After all they have the same right to live as humans. Rest in peace little fox. We are sorry your life was snuffed out so soon and so cruelly.

(Photos of dead fox via the Gossip Board Sheppey Facebook)

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

Photo of man caring for his aging friend goes viral – read the touching story here.

These men rescued a drowning bald eagle – watch the amazing video at this link.


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  1. Hope someone snares this idiot and hangs his loser ass from a fence – and what will the RSPCA do – NOTHING as usual.

  2. Hope someone hangs this monster and give him a taste of his own medicine. I don’t understand how anyone can torture an animal, and to hear the pain and suffering of a voiceless and defenseless. A coward, and plain cruel!

  3. Would have been great if someone intervened right away when the fox cry is heard to save him or her. Anyone that can do this cruel act like this monster will face punishment in hell.

  4. And why didn’t the neighbor check to see what was happening? Because absolutely nobody wants to get involved. Sad, RIP little fox, I’m sorry you had to suffer this way.

  5. Worthless POS! I hope misery follows him everywhere for the rest of his depraved life! SHAME ON THIS ENTIRE AREA AND THE LAWMAKERS WHO JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE NEEDLESS TORTURING OF ANIMALS! SICKENING

  6. Wish these snares were illegal ; this caused agony to this poor animal. and BOO FRICGIN HOO, he was forced to leave his home. I think they meant forced to leave his dungeon; because clearly this is no human being. Yay for the neighborhood for driving him out. I wouldn’t want this imbecile living near me.

  7. This is absolutely horrible. I can not believe how many monsters there are in this world who have no compassion and no heart when it comes to animals.PLEASE OUTLAW SNARES……. these are a slow, agonizing, torturous death. Please Kent England……….STOP THIS !!!!!


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