Images of dog with dead chicken taped to neck posted online

Dead chicken duct-taped to dog's neck
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Images of a dog, with a dead chicken duct taped to his neck, were posted online on Tuesday, reported the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The woman who allegedly put the dead bird on the dog’s neck explained that she was “teaching” the dog a lesson for killing the animal.

The incident, which was reported to have taken place in Columbus, Georgia, resulted in a great deal of commentary on Facebook, and the 74-year-old woman responsible is now facing an animal cruelty citation. Facebook user Hannah Gillespie started the conversation with her post, along with the images of the dog:

This dog had a dead chicken DUCT TAPED around its neck for over 9 hours. Instead of pressing animal cruelty charges (completely warranted), Columbus PD called CACC (animal control) to handle it. No words. Getting duct tape off of the hair…. poor dog. Oh wait. No. Oh no, it gets worse. The police left the dog with the owner and the tape was cut/ripped off. Animal control can only do so much without the police’s assistance. At least animal control cared enough to fine the owners with the stiffest citations they’re allowed.

The elderly woman behind the taping situation has explained that this is how “people in the country” train dogs not to kill chickens.

(Photo screenshot via Facebook)

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  1. This is crazy ! Lady let’s put a dead chicken around your neck and see how you like it. Maybe in your time that how your trained your dog’s, you are one crazy bitch. I cannot believe that poor dog was left there. What will she do next??????

  2. Uh huh, I can see where this is teaching the dog a lesson, Yep! If my dogs ever kill a chicken I think I will do this (sarcasm)! What is with people how do they come up with this? And thanks guys for leaving the dog with this lunatic! Who knows what other “lessons” she will come up with to teach her dog a lesson?

  3. I have heard about this and people say it didn’t hurt the dog but it stops the dog doing it again because the smell of the die animal is still an reminder of that day, or what ever. No harm good charm.

    • I remember MY Grandpa talking about his mother ( they were from Kentucky ) did this to his dad’s hunting dogs when they killed some of the neighbors chickens. as I understood it they left the chicken tied around the neck for a couple of days till the bird started to rot… Never again did the dogs chase and kill a chicken…. otherwise grandpa said his dad would have had to kill the dogs. of course this took place in the early 1900,s!! So it appears to be a custom passed on in the South anyway!!

      • You are correct but the practice was not limited to the south but mainly to farming areas. My grandpa who was born in 1900 did this to one of his for the exact reasons. The smell would break the dog of killing livestock so the dog would not have to be put down. Living through the depression both chicken and dog were valuable commodity and the chicken was already dead this also saved the dog from getting beat or shot.

  4. You people are overreacting. Country people have been doing this for years. i wouldn’t do it , ( I don’t spank my children either ) but no dog has ever died from being shamed that way. hahahaha

    • Well I guess YOU and I Cam are the “OTHER TWO” Crazed people who have somewhat of an understanding as to whet this lady was trying to do!! Keep her dog alive by breaking it of killing chicken the way dogs have done for several years… she should have used string though.. She may well have kept her pet alive by doing this … Now these radical elitists know where they can find Feather’s so they can locate the TAR and use another 1800 hundred intervention to Shut MY BIG STUPID HILLBILLY MOUTH!!!

  5. I don’t know what country she’s talking about because no body I know trains a dog that way! This old woman needs something taped around her neck! It’s bad enough there are people killing animals in New and disgusting ways this old lady has to come up with new torture method! I would love to put duct tape all over her and then rip it off! As far as the cops go really? They don’t want to be involved because they feel it’s beneath them! At least animal control did what they could!

  6. I don’t care if she is 74 , she is about the dumbest bitch I have read about lately. Sounds like perhaps she has dementia or she really is that backwoods ignorant. Either way, i cant believe they left that poor dog there!!

  7. It didn’t hurt the dog??? are you on crack. Sorry, don’t like to pounce on anyone in here. But, if you think it’s pain free, you duct tape a dead chicken to your neck for nine hours and then try getting it off without pain. Unless you have morphine in you, I believe that involves a lot of pain. Geez.

  8. Really? I know plenty of people from the country, including my mom and no one has ever told me that one!!! Now for heaven’s sake will someone please go get that poor dog before she does some other crazy kind of nonsense!!!!!!

  9. This is a tried and true, old time cure for dogs that kill chickens. I have heard of people doing this over the years. I’ve never seen it done, but I know it is reported to work.

  10. Actually look up or talk to a bunch of old timers yes tying not ducktape a chicken around a dogs neck is how it was done for years and years! Maybe not now but she is 70 and probably learned from her family..

  11. Stupid woman who are foolish enough to do such tape around dog’s neck ?! omg, crazy thing which the reason ……..animals won’t understand what stupid foolish woman doing for..poor dog went into a wrong hand.. Sick!

    • As if YOU or I haven’t done a Stupid Thing in OUR Superior Intelligence Moments at ONE TIME OR ANOTHER in our OWN lives !! That is only if we are willing to admit it!!! Good God my grandparents ( who were not hillbillies– they were from OUR Well known state of Colorado ) spoke of the same thing … They were born in 1898 and 1902! If dogs killed a neighbors Chickens that ran free range the owner would shoot the dog that also ran free range!! This woman probably heard this from an old timer or family… Since they didn’t had “duct tape” back in the early 1900’s I would imagine they used string to attach the dead chicken…. Yes it did work… One positive outcome None of the Elitist thinkers thought of is the dog was NOT shot and killed ! Maybe the next chicken it kills, As one they kill and taste the blood sport of it, Guess what they kill again and again… ONLY IF NOT EXECUTED BY GUN!!! As Moronic as Apparently YOU all think. Hey get some Tar and Chicken Feathers ( you know where they can be found now is guess and TAR and FEATHER that crazed ole stupid Bitch… for Shame…

      • pennysdachslund many of us were not aware of “people in the country” do this to train dogs from killing chickens. Instead of being angry why not just educate us nicely.

      • I myself posted 2 days ago in What I at leas considered a very easy explanation AS have several other’s .. Yet the Name Calling Bashing continued to get worse with the vile comments about this woman And I have gotten somewhat frustrated. Please go back Helen and read the other comments that others simply ignored about the process of breaking a dog ( before it is shot) from killing chickens. Also If people are such disbelievers do a little research!!! that one of the great thing with having a computer you can type it in numerous forms and get the information as to if, why , how come this method was used a hundred years ago and is still used Now…

  12. My father in law told me about this, this works. But don’t use duct tape. If it didn’t they had to destroy dog, can’t have it killing livestock.

  13. The chicken would have been dead, and stinking. As far as I’m aware, that sort of thing has been going on for several hundred years. If a cat or dog or other domestic animal kills another, the deceased animal was attached to the killer, and left there as “punishment” for a period starting from hours, and extending into several days. I’ve never seen such an occurance, but have heard mention many years ago now.

    I think that it’s a stupid thing to do, but there are much better ways to get the dog out of the habit of killing. Of course, it could be that the dog just chased the chicken, and accidently killed it.

  14. It is amazing how people judge other people for this gs that are none of their business. Yes tying a dead chicken to a dog that kills the poultry has been done for a hundred years,but never with duct tape, that was mean and cruel. You use a tie of some sort. Anyway I refuse to judge a country woman who probably learned from her father and grandparent.

  15. Years ago I stayed on a farm in WV and that is what they did to their farm dogs. I say it. I was a kid. They did not use duc tape. They used a rope and they left the chicken on the dog till it just about rotted off. Its been done for years. I stayed on this farm in the 60 ‘ s. And no one put it on the computer cause no one had one. and no one thought it was cruel . i do not read attacks. Its just a comment

  16. I think she made a mistake using the duct tape. Perhaps she couldn’t find any twine in the moment. Where I come from we shoot any beast even attempting to kill the chickens. I give kudos to the woman for loving her dog enough to spend the time to try & break him of the habit by handling a nasty dead chicken long to enough attach it. Any discomfort that the dog experienced with removal of the tape should be between her & her doG & her God. This world is full of too many people up in each other’s business. I’m sure they’ve neglected some important duties spending so much time pointing fingers at their neighbors. The scariest part of this entire article is the many commenters quickly rushing to condemn & hang without knowledge of the facts & motivations. Scarier yet, the majority cannot seem to spell or form complete sentences. I’m slightly amazed that they were able to read the damn article in the first place! Why don’t all you haters leave the old lady alone & go back to picketing your local Planned Parenthood!?!

    • Well thank you, now that you have put me straight on how to teach my dog not to go after a chicken, I will go mind my own business, and focus on reading articles, spelling and stringing a complete sentence together. Can’t go picket my local Planned Parenthood however, Donald Trump ha taken away the funding and it is closed! Sorry if I rushed to judgement about duct taping a chicken to a dog, I honestly had never heard of this practice, and I am a country hick from upstate New York.

  17. Thats what i was taught when i was just a youngster. It does teach a dog a lesson. Better than having to get the dog a new home or worse. Duct tape is on the dumb side. My best friend just had a delightful experience with her pibble. Very young birds, learning to fly, landed in the yard right near pibble. A TOY in action. All my friend had to say was no and he did not want to pounce. That big mushface was happy and Mom got kisses. Other babies were all fine and came into the yard. This was a beautiful experience with a dog no one wanted until my friend came along.


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