Man accused of fatally neglecting injured dog found not guilty

Man accused of neglecting dog found not guilty
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A Mississippi man who faced charges for neglecting his dog so badly that the dog had to be humanely euthanized, has been found not guilty. On Wednesday, In Defense Of Animals (IDA) issued a release about the disturbing case of animal cruelty which left a dog named “Snow” dead.

According to the IDA release, George Moffett, of Moselle, had been found guilty on November 3 – in a stunning turnabout, Judge Howell Beech of Jones County Justice Court, reversed his decision after listening to Moffett defend himself. According to IDA, after listening to Moffett’s “rambling” statement,  Judge Howell Beech quietly changed his decision to “not guilty.”

IDA described Snow’s tremendous injuries:

Her bottom jaw hung lifelessly to her face, rendering her unable to eat or drink. The dog, Snow, was emaciated when Jones County Deputy Porfirio “Pancho” Grimaldo and Southern Cross Rescue team members responded to a report that Snow was in a state of extreme neglect.

Those following the case are dumb-founded that the same judge who initially found Moffett guilty, reversed his decision just a short time later.

IDA is reaching out to the public with a request – a letter to Judge Howell Beech letting him know that his ruling on this case is “intolerable.”

Click here to read the IDA request in full.

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  1. And THAT is one of our biggest problems in this country. ‘Judges’ who are ignorant and who have no business sitting on the bench. This is intolerable.

  2. Good Lord! What in heaven’s name could George Moffett have said to make the judge do this? What kind of justice is this? Judge Howell Beech you are as big a POS as Moffett believing his lies! Totally disgusting!

  3. Sad … Why was this man not found guilty of animal cruelty? Karma will catch up with this HORRIBLE man who harmed poor fur baby Snow. Hopefully, Karma will get the guy sooner than later. RIP Snow. If you see animal cruelty, report it with photos and all other evidence to ensure prosecution must be mandated. Thank you rescue angels.


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