Fox suffered excruciating death after killed by pack of hounds

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A disturbing event is reported to have occurred at the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt in Harelaw, Scotland where a fox suffered an excruciating death after it was killed by a pack of dogs at a hunting event. According to BBCNews, Charities OneKind and the League Against Cruel Sports, contend the fox had endured a torturous, slow death.

When the dead fox was found on the estate, it’s body was sent out for a necropsy to determine the exact cause of its death. The vet findings stated:

“The fox had suffered severe trauma consistent with that caused by a dog or dogs.”

Scotland imposed a ban on hunting with dogs in 2002 after animal advocates convinced government officials that the practice was unnecessary and brought about long-lasting psychological trauma for animals. According to the law, dogs can only be used to bring foxes out of their underground dens and into the open, but dogs are not allowed to kill it. Unfortunately, activists claim the brutal sport still continues:

“The level of trauma experienced by the fox prior to its death and the manner in which it died is completely unacceptable,” stated Charities One Kind director, Harry Huyton. “The pathology report highlights a catalog of gruesome injuries leaving no doubt to the extent to which this animal suffered.”

The hunt’s organizers refuted the findings and insist the fox had been shot, however the necropsy also revealed, although the fox has a hole in its chest from a pellet gun, the shots missed its vital organs – and still the defenseless animal had to suffer with dogs biting and chewing. The Countryside Alliance states the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Foxhounds operate under a “strict protocol” in accordance with the law, and they have a great relationship with Police Scotland.

A new review on fox hunting is expected to be announced in the near future.

(Photo of fox suffered via BBC News screenshot of video)

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  1. Not only is this horrible for the fox, but unfair to the dogs being used to hunt. I have three rescued Treeing Walker Coonhounds from here in the US. Dogs who don’t hunt well are discarded, as two of mine were. Kyoko was a walking skeleton with a huge gash on her muzzle and buckshot in her. Seiji was underweight and was pretty obviously abused (he took several years to really get over it). Too many dogs get hurt, or even killed, when hunting (especially with bears and wild hogs). Hunting is horrible, and hunting just for “sport” is the worst. Using animals to help kill another animal is the absolute worst.

  2. I like Foxes being a Dog lover but have to admitt they can be a pest if you have to many of them. As a life long countryman I have seen both sides of the coin. So we have to accept that sometimes we need to cull individual Foxes who we cannot deter from from taking the Ducks or Geese around the pond, chickens and domestic Rabbits kept as a pets, taking the chicks and eggs of ground nesting birds apart from giving your Dogs mange. If they come on my property. I normally try and trap them in a humane cage. If its an healthy animal , no sign of mange, I take it to some English Nature woodland and release it. If its obvious ill I reluctantly cull it by shooting it. I must admit that sometimes I have been glad to put them out of their misery as some I have caged, have had broken legs, no fur, completely bald due to mange and so old that all their teeth have rotted. There is large and growing band of rifleman who go out with night sights who perhaps shoot several Foxes a night, as now the Hunt cannot control numbers. I do not approve of this but understand the need. A fit healthy Fox will aways be able to outwit a pack of hounds and escape. But not a bullet. moving at 3000ft/sec. I think a Fox , allowed to choose, would prefer the chance to outwit the hounds rather than the bullet


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