

Heartbreaking intake: Scared dog realizes his owner is leaving

In Lost Angeles County at the Agoura Animal Care Center, a scared dog realized in moments that...

Heartbreaking: 6-week-old puppy found tied up in net unable to escape

On Monday morning, a family heard high-pitched crying sounds coming from their yard. They rushed out to...

Help: Gentle soul Liam found wandering the streets of Houston

Meet Liam; he's only a puppy and found wandering the streets of Houston in the most heartbreaking...

Homeless man threw puppy ‘like a baseball’ into vehicle

In Glendale, Arizona, a homeless man was arrested on Monday evening after a police officer saw him...

Social outrage as live puppies used as prizes in arcade grabber game

Animal activists erupted in social outrage after a video surfaced this week online showing live puppies seemingly...

Update: Puppy discarded in Walmart bag tossed in dumpster

In Coachella, California, a heartless culprit discarded a three-week-old puppy in a plastic Walmart bag on Thursday,...

Heartless owner discarded puppy in Walmart bag tossed in trash

In Coachella, California, a heartless owner discarded a puppy in a plastic Walmart bag and then threw...

Heartbreaking: Young dog hit in the face and left to die in a gutter

For days, a young dog had been left dying in the gutter on the side of a...

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