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Survey of Americans say 40 percent would give up their dog for a month over their phone

For some dog owners, it seems as if their phones and texting are more important. Be careful...

Update on cruel teen videoing himself abusing family cat

In Hildago, Texas, another disturbing video went viral on Sunday.  A 14-year-old boy who called himself Joe...

Cattle ranchers block water access for rare Tule elk now dying of thirst

The world's largest remaining herd of the native rare Tule elk are dying of thirst at the...

Bulldog’s owner pleads guilty to animal cruelty and gets her dog back

In Sorrento, Louisiana the owner of a sweet bulldog pleaded guilty to animal cruelty, yet her dog...

Hundreds of sea turtles found dead on same beach where dozens of deceased sea lions found

Hundreds of dead loggerhead sea turtles were recently discovered on the same stretch of beach in northwestern...

Birds ‘dropping dead in alarming numbers’ in New Mexico

An unprecedented number of birds are dropping dead in New Mexico. According to multiple sources, there are...

Intentional cruelty videoed as man throws dog into a lake 30 ft below

In a disturbing  video, a man from India is seen throwing a stray dog from a bridge...

Two youngsters in disturbing Louisiana video abusing dog

In the Cedar Grove area of Louisiana, two youngsters were videoed abusing a dog. The heartbreaking footage...

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