Blue heron breaking into family home bringing chaos goes viral on TikTok

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While most bird enthusiasts find blue herons beautiful or exotic and just another shorebird not unlike geese and ducks, be warned – these birds can be nasty predators. Reports of blue herons attacking snakes, toads or small rodents prove their natural prowess.

With all that being said, now imagine one of these birds flying into a family’s Dallas, Texas home and actually comfortably perching on the couch? Check out the viral video posted by @Ac_in_Asana on TikTok.

(Warning – graphic or offensive language)

The video has already garnered more than 3.4 million views. And yes, we need to be kind to all wildlife, but one breaking into a home and throwing up on your couch? How about the heron eating the family’s gold fish? And then let’s not forget attacking the dogs.

The heron did leave through the same door it entered, and the host family did say they have tried all heron deterrents including nets, panels, sprinklers including a fake floating alligator.

In a follow-up to the story, the homeowner didn’t want to hear the supporters of the heron commenting positively about the bird in her home!

It killed my pet goldfish, sh*t on my countertops, and tried to attack me and my dogs. I’ll yell if I want. There is no beach or lake anywhere remotely close to me. I’m in the denselly populated city of Dallas, Texas. This is not normal.


Let’s hope the heron stays outdoors!

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Kitty greets fawn. 😉

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