Russian invasion at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant leaves stray dogs and cats with no food or help

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In another heartbreaking situation resulting from the hostile and unprovoked invasion of Russia into Ukraine and the Chernobyl Power Plant, Clean Futures Fund is no longer able to assist the approximately 50 workers, a crew of the Chernobyl Fire Brigade and the stray dogs and cats inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

The St. Louis, Missouri non-profit organization reports that the workers continue to operate the power distribution center and manage functions related to spent nuclear fuel storage and the New Safe Confinement that protects everyone from the reactor destroyed in the worst nuclear disaster. These workers are now trapped and have no access to food, health care or any way to reunite with their families.

In addition, the stray dogs and cats previously supported by the Dogs of Chernobyl program, which provides food, veterinary care including spay and neuter services which has helped reduce the wild dog population in the zone by 50%, is no longer in service either.

“We implore all of our supporters around the world to petition the elected officials of their country to demand the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine, and recognize the sovereignty of the Ukrainian people,” said Dr. Jennifer Betz, Board Member of Clean Futures Fund. “Without immediate withdrawal, the outlook is dire – the families that we have supported for the last five years will be left to source and pay for their own lifesaving medications, and the dogs will be left to fend for themselves without food or medical support, in what is still the harsh months of winter.”

Clean Futures Fund

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At this time there have not been any reported incidences or injuries to the animals in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Updates to follow.

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