Poodle stuck under car seat on way to be groomed rescued by Fairhaven first responders

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In Fairhaven, Massachusetts, a 10-year-old French poodle on his way to the groomers, found himself in a rather precarious situation when he got himself stuck under the car seat of his owner’s vehicle on Tuesday.

According to the Fairhaven Police Department, the dog’s owner, Clarisse Fairbanks, said she noticed the dog, Casper, had been under the seat when they left their home and thought he might have been trying to retrieve a bit of food between the seats. She could only see his back legs. When she was unable to pull her dog out, she called 911.

The Fairhaven Fire Department responded, and with the aid of the Fairhaven Police and Fairhaven Animal Control, rescuers were able to assess that the dog had become stuck in the motor of the seat adjustment mechanism which had trapped her by her hair and skin.

In order to free Casper, Fairbanks drove to the New England Animal Hospital where a veterinarian sedated Casper in order for rescuers work. Once the seat was removed, Casper was able to be pulled free.

Although the dog did suffer some cuts and bruises and the fur on top of his head had to be shaved to help free him, Casper is home and sleeping his bad day’s experience off.

Casper the 10 year old Poodle found himself in quite the predicament this morning. He was able to maneuver himself under the seat of his owner’s vehicle and got stuck within the seat motion mechanism. With the help of the Lieutenant Josh Benoit of the Fairhaven Fire Department, Dr. Nicholas Dagenais of New England Animal Hospital, the quick thinking of Fairhaven Police Officer Laurie Cannon, Sergeant Matthew Botelho, and Captain Michael Botelho, and Fairhaven Animal Control Officer Evan DeSousa, Casper was untangled with minor injuries

Fairhaven Police Department

Many thanks to the heroes who show love and compassion for our four legged friends in need of our help.

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