Over 100 dogs rescued from ‘unsanitary conditions’ following death of owner

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More than 100 dogs have been removed from “unsanitary conditions” in Kentucky following the death of their owner. On Friday, the Kentucky Humane Society described the condition of the dogs who were living outdoors on the property in Spencer County:

These dogs have lived the entirety of their lives in outdoor kennels or on chains in unsanitary conditions. In addition, many of these dogs have medical issues that have been left untreated for extended periods of time. Some have untreated wounds; some were eating rocks to fill their empty stomachs. The dogs on chains had large collars that were extremely tight and zip tied on, and all of the dogs were matted and covered in filth.

On Friday, the animal welfare organization said that some of the dogs were able to experience their first-ever playgroup. The agency wrote:

The large breed dogs who were chained on the property lived a very lonely existence and were spaced far enough apart that they never had a chance to play with any dogs. Today they finally got to play together and had the time of their lives! Our hearts are so full knowing they will know nothing but love and happiness from here on out.

The dogs were surrendered to the Spencer County Animal Control, which did not have enough capacity to handle the huge influx of animals. Help with placement and care was provided by Kentucky Humane Society, the BISSELL Pet Foundation, the Lexington Humane Society in Kentucky, the Columbus Humane in Ohio and husky rescue Adopt a Husky, Inc.

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  1. You scum in the southeast ARE the WORST of the WORST. I grew up in Georgia and I came west asap to get AWAY from ALL the fucking VILE THUGS that RULE over the southeast all the way to TEXAS. And you go to church AFTER allowing a KNOWN RAPIST out to rape AGAIN and think you are a christian. BULLSHIT!


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